
well this was kind of confusing because for those of you who don't know...
in the southern usa (i am from georgia) we call every "soda" coke. when you sit down in a restaurant the server will ask you what kind of coke do you want. so my favorite "coke" is sprite.
We don't have Dr Pepper here anymore so I have to go to Haparanda in Sweden to buy it. I kinda like Mountain Dew though. Not a lot of fizz but a lot of sugar.
implicature said:
well this was kind of confusing because for those of you who don't know...
in the southern usa (i am from georgia) we call every "soda" coke. when you sit down in a restaurant the server will ask you what kind of coke do you want. so my favorite "coke" is sprite.

I remember the days... and we seem to all agree on some form or another of root beer. I love it myself, and I will have anything Pepsi related any day of the week!
implicature said:
well this was kind of confusing because for those of you who don't know...
in the southern usa (i am from georgia) we call every "soda" coke. when you sit down in a restaurant the server will ask you what kind of coke do you want. so my favorite "coke" is sprite.

I remember when I found out about that, at the same time I found out that drinking fountains in Wisconsin are called "bubblers" dont ask.
I'm definetly a Coca Cola guy. I'm the type where you go to a restaurant, and the waitress says, "I'm sorry, we don't have Coke, would you like Pepsi instead?" I tell her no and get a water. :) I can tell the difference between the two, and I love that bite that Coke has.
vanilla coke
Creamy Soda

not sure if the last two are available everywhere but i love 'em!!!!
Locke said:
vanilla coke
Creamy Soda

not sure if the last two are available everywhere but i love 'em!!!!

i haven't heard of portello before. but i'm guessing creamy soda is just a form of cream soda, and they have tons of that here.
ok i will try and explain them:

okay, i have searched for half an hour and cannot find a decent product description. ur best bet is to go to your local milk bar and ask them if they have it or can get it
milk bar...ok...i don't think i know of any local milk bars either ;)

i should take note of this stuff because my friend is in australia now, she'll probably know what you're talking about.
i dunno, i don't really like vanilla coke. i like cherry coke though.

now that i think about it, there was an old 50s style soda fountain at the iowa state fair that i went to. it was actually coca cola sponsored. i swear i had the greatest tasting coke float ever there. my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Can I tell my favorite POP cause here in the midwest we don't have soda. :P

1. Diet Cherry Coke
2. Diet Rite Red Raspberry
3. Water with a twist of lime