Because there isn't one single recognised Archeologist Jewish or otherwise that can provide evidence of any of the Israeli narrative at all, most of them no longer even try.
About 1200 BC
Canaan has been plundered in every evil way, Askelon has been brought away captive, Gezer has been seized, Yenoam has been destroyed. Israel is devastated, having no seed. Syria is widowed because of Egypt. All lands, they are united in peace. Everyone who roamed, he has subdued him, By the king of Egypt Merenptah.
-Lines 26-28.
Now you give me some real archaeological evidence of your beloved "Palestinians" besides thousands of metal casings of rockets fired at Israeli civilian towns.
There was no diaspora in any century, there was no exodus, Jerusalem was not built by Israelite's, and there was no Israelite conquest of Caanan there is not one shred of archeological evidence to back any of this story up.
Archaeological evidence of a diaspora and exodus? Do you think they were Hansel and Gretel leaving evidence everywhere so they could be traced back? The evidence is in showing up in another place. Writings of the horrors they went through. Keeping their faith and culture in another place. But you also forget the ones that stayed. Or are you saying that the Romans didn't fight the Jews? That Hadrian called Sextus Julius Severus from Britain for a sightseeing tour? Where did the Jewish communities in Allepo, Alexandria. Damascus and Smyrna, to name a few, came from? Or did Judaism just suddenly popped up al over the world at once? Those communities were descendants from people who left because they were persecuted by Babylonians and Romans.
Now, you give me evidence of "Palestians" living there at that time. Did they fought the Romans? Were they friends of the Babylonians? Did they found flourishing cities?
Further more DNA indicates that most "Jews" are eastern European with no more link to the middle east than I do as a European New Zealander who's ancestors passed through the region during the great migrations out of Africa so cut the crap you are little more than Polish and Russian colonialists who have made up a grandiose fairytale to justify stealing someone elses land.
You keep holding on to that one study of Eran Elhaik, who attacks everyone who does not agree with him and disregard dozens of studies over twenty years from geneticists and historians around the world. You are not looking for the truth, you are just waiting for someone who says what you would like to hear.
from a Forbes article :
"While Elhaik’s work has provided ideological support for those seeking the destruction of Israel, it’s fallen flat among established scientists, who peer reviewed his work and found it sloppy at best and political at worst.
He’s just wrong,” said Marcus Feldman of Stanford University, a leading researcher in Jewish genetics. “If you take all of the careful genetic population analysis that has been done over the last 15 years… there’s no doubt about the common Middle Eastern origin,” he said. He added that Elhaik’s paper “is sort of a one-off."
Weird so you genuinely don't understand why 1.8 million people crammed into an area the size of a small city who routinely have their infrastructure destroyed, their fishermen shot at and killed who are not allowed to leave the area or trade with the world and who have just had 2000 of their people including around 600 children killed by the Israeli army don't like Israel?
Are you retarded?
If Hamas didn't fire rockets at Israeli civilian towns from the backyards of innocent civilan's houses then there wouldn't be a destruction of their infrastructure. If Hammas wouldn't use fishing boats to send terrorists in Israel to kill innocent civilians then Israel doesn't have to fire on fishing boats coming too close.
Not allowed to leave the area and not allowed to trade with the world? You are talking about the Nahal Oz and Karni crossings because they were not secure. Ever heard of the Kerem Shalom crossing? It is a hugely expansive and extraordinarily impressive feat of engineering and logistics andwas sized to
handle all of Gaza’s needs if necessary.
Besides a small list of “dual use” materials, Israel imposes no restrictions on Gaza imports. Even some of the “dual use” materials can be imported under certain conditions – for example, international NGOs can import construction materials. Israel allows potentally dual use items, such as CO2, to be imported on a case by case basis as well.
There are no practical limits on how much Gaza can import even if its economy grew dramatically. No limits on fuel. No limits on raw materials for factories (again, except dual use materials.)
Export you said? Most of Gaza's export went to Israel and they do not want to buy their products anymore. The collapse of the Gazan export has nothing to do with the boycott but because the Israelis do not buy Gaza products anymore, just as so many Arab countries refuse to buy Israeli products. But that's something you never mention, do you?
Those 2000 of their people including around 600 children would still be alive today if Hamas didn't start firing rockets at Israeli civilian towns.
600 children. Dramatic isn't it? Do you know that a 17 year "old" jihadist killed in battle is listed as a "child"? How many children do you think died from Hamas' own rockets who failed to reach Israel? Hamas doesn't give a warning so the civilians can run away or seek shelter.
However lets talk about Palestinians not mentioning Israel if that is a problem for you then explain where the West Bank is on this map produced by Netanpsycho...
Ah, a good one, I like it. Remember the partition plan of the UN? It says that the eastern border of the Jewish part borders the western border of the Arab part (Arab, not "Palestinian"). But the Arabs refused, so there is no Arab western border and the Jewish eastern border moves up to the next official border which is Jordan's.
Also, that map is not listed in children texbooks.
West Bank is is in fact the Judea and Samaria part that lies west of the Jordan river. It's a name change by the occupiers just as the Roman occupiers changed Judea into Palestine.
Interestingly enough not one of those countries was called Israel, still if my land was full of say Kiwi's and and due to political cowardice someone gave half of it to say the Chinese in defiance of every international law on the books I would be mighty pissed especially if they then went on a rampage driving out 700,000 of my fellow Kiwis and taking every bit of land they could get their hands on, wouldn't you.
You are not fooling anyone you are nothing more than colonial parasites but keep on with the stories but most fairy stories start with "Once upon a time" yours should too.
So if we change the name Israel into Jacamaka then all is right and peace will return? It's about the Jews dummy, no matter what the name of the country is.
from tha Hamas Covenant: article seven : The Universality of the Islamic Resistance Movement:
The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews , when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews."