Strauss, German minister of defense,and the indicated successor of Adenauer ,said the following :
''The epoch is over,where European and American interests were running in parallel ''.
Source : Reinhard Gehlen,Geheimdienstchef in Hintergrund der Bonner Republik .
After 1957,US would be faced with the following choices if the Soviets started a conventional war in Europe
a Using in Germany nuclear weapons to stop the Soviets
b Using nuclear weapons against the USSR .
Both cases would result in the destruction of Germany
Both choices were unacceptable for West Germany,especially as these choices would be taken by the US only,without any German participation .
No wonder that Adenauer and Strauss were rebelling and no wonder that they were eliminated by the BND which was the German extension of the CIA.
''The epoch is over,where European and American interests were running in parallel ''.
Source : Reinhard Gehlen,Geheimdienstchef in Hintergrund der Bonner Republik .
After 1957,US would be faced with the following choices if the Soviets started a conventional war in Europe
a Using in Germany nuclear weapons to stop the Soviets
b Using nuclear weapons against the USSR .
Both cases would result in the destruction of Germany
Both choices were unacceptable for West Germany,especially as these choices would be taken by the US only,without any German participation .
No wonder that Adenauer and Strauss were rebelling and no wonder that they were eliminated by the BND which was the German extension of the CIA.