The Viking
The reality is you haven't proved that removing the veto would lead to the dire consequences you suggest hell to date you haven't even given me a positive that has come from a veto.
I would also suggest that "right" is far more accurately determined by a collective decision from 200 countries as opposed to 5.
I also have no doubt you do prefer proxy wars, those of us in countries that are not fighting them most frequently do.
To prove how the world had been without the veto we must go back before the meeting in San Francisco, 1945 and the creation of the UN Charter, we might get a situation similar as the League of Nation, which were more or less ignored, you want that? So the first statement I quoted here is really stupid, sorry. You honestly think 200 can decide about something when the five permanent members have a problem to that? The world is not black and white as you think it is. These 200 will and they are doing that in the General Assembly, will create alliancies. During the Cold War, the proxy wars were bad as I said, but they were better than a war between the NATO and the Warsaw Pact. It is better with 50 000 dead than 5 million, the lesser evil, and welcome to the world that is called International Relations, it is a hard and egoistical world