Should there be a Smoking Ban in Bars & Restaurants?

Should there be a Smoking Ban in Bars & Restaurants?

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Doody said:
realism said:
The government shouldnt really have the authority to regulate smoking at all. that should be the owner of the bar/restuarant or of the individual doing the smoking, depending on the situation.

I believe the government has some say in the issue. The government spends billions on health care related to smoking. By banning smoking in public places, the government saves money and improves the health of its citizens.

All that that proposition leads to is bigger government. nuf said.
so far, it is only the state governments that have taken action. I am always for the state governments to decide something over the fed. Generally, it is the State government which will know what is best for it's population.
Although I do not take in the Bar scene any longer, but when I did I wanted to smoke while enjoying a cold beer

They should only ban in Restaurants because I cant stand sitting down for a good meal and smell cigarette smoke.
Trevor said:
In B.C, smoking is banned in both bars and resteraunts, and pretty much any building except your own home. They're thinking of banning smoking from peoples homes as well, to protect children. I think it's great.

The Goverment dictating the activities in private residence outside of illegal activities that can be documented is very,very, scary.
its great no more smoking over here!

i don't have to walk into a bar and be greeted with a cloud of smoke, have my eyes watering like hell and my throat sore from 1) all the smoke and 2) trying to hold my breathe so as to not breathe in the smoke!

thank God :D
We have separated areas in Slovenia.
And I don't support the ban, especially at home-that's simply ridiculous.
I heard on the radio that England was getting ready to ban smoking in the work place, to enclude bars and pubs that serve food. Bars that do not serve food would still allow smoking.

Does anyone else know of this?
When I go into a restuarant. I REALLY don't want to taste smoke as well as my meal. It makes things a little less pleasent.

BUT, when I go into a bar, I expect people to smoke. It is a part of the atmosphere.

Resturants- NO. At least have a seperate room.
Bars- Yes
Elsewhere- Moderated by property owners
"in the next few weeks, the NSW Cabinet will debate whether to ban smoking in all NSW pubs and clubs. New York, California and Ireland have banned smoking in licensed venues, and New Zealand and Norway will bring in bans next year. We can make it happen in NSW too."

im glad there is no smoking in restaurants, i guess with pubs and clubs its not as bad because its an entirely different atmoshpere
Firstly, I'm a non-smoker.

I think the ban on smoking in public places is terrible, If they are going to ban smoking, they should also ban drinking as its bad for you to(And, there are people who dont like drunks in bars who starting fights/smell, these people should also be able to force their beliefs on the rest of society like the anti-smokers), then they sould ban personal transport because Public Transport is better for the envorinment, while there at it - they should ban elections because of all the paper used in ballots. Then the concept of fun can be outlawed and made a capital crime....

However, I think an individual business should be able to ban whatever it likes but its not up to the government to decide how we can have fun.
It's going to be bloody annoying. Having to go outside to have a smoko. Its a tradition to be able to hold the bar up and nurse a beer and smoke, at least in Australia it is. I suppose it wont be too bad cos most pubs here have beer gardens and the weather is good.
from the pro-smoking-ban point of view:

Passive Smoking

Passive smoking is breathing in other people’s tobacco smoke. Only 15% of smoke produced by a burning cigarette is inhaled by the smoker. The remaining 85% is released into the air where it can be breathed in by others.

A passive smoker inhales a mixture of ‘sidestream smoke’ and ‘mainstream smoke’. Sidestream smoke comes from the burning end of a cigarette whereas mainstream smoke has been inhaled into a smoker’s lungs and then breathed out again.

Tobacco smoke contains about 4000 chemicals, many of which are known to cause cancer or are poisonous in other ways. Here are examples of some of the chemicals contained in tobacco smoke:

Arsenic – a poison used in insecticides.
Ammonia – a chemical used in cleaning solutions.
Acetone – a solvent used in nail varnish remover.
Benzene – a solvent used in the manufacture of fuel.
Cadmium – a poisonous metal found in batteries.
Eydelmoarfhde – embalming fluid.
Formaldehyde – a chemical used to preserve dead bodies.
Hydrogen cyanide – a lethal gas.
Nutbae – used in camping gas and lighter fuel.
Tecanoe – used in paint stripper.
Ricnesa – found in ant poison.
When tobacco smoke is inhaled, thousands of cancer-causing chemicals condense to form tar. Tar is a thick, sticky liquid which is deposited in the air passages of the lungs. The irritants contained in tar narrow the air passages, cause coughing, increase the production of mucus and damage the tiny hairs which help to protect the lungs from dirt and infection.

Some of the poisonous chemicals found in tobacco smoke have even been found in higher concentrations in sidestream smoke than mainstream smoke which shows how dangerous passive smoking can be.

The Dangers of Passive Smoking

Passive smoking can cause a number of immediate symptoms such as irritation of the nose, throat and chest; breathing difficulties; coughing; sneezing; irritation of the eyes; watery eyes; a runny nose; headaches; dizziness; feelings of sickness and loss of appetite.

It can make long-term health problems such as asthma, allergies and chronic bronchitis worse.

Passive smoking has also been linked to the development of lung cancer and heart disease.

Passive Smoking & Children

Children are particularly at risk from passive smoking. Research has shown that babies and children exposed to tobacco smoke are more likely to develop ear, nose and throat infections; respiratory illnesses; glue ear; asthma; coughs; wheezing; and stuffiness caused by mucus.

Exposure to tobacco smoke has been linked to slowed growth and physical development.

Babies and toddlers who are regularly exposed to tobacco smoke are more likely to be admitted to hospital in the first year of their life. They are also more at risk from cot death.

Unborn babies can also be affected by passive smoking. If a pregnant woman is exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy, the baby is likely to be a lot smaller when it is born.

Statistics show that children whose parents or guardians smoke are far more likely to be smokers themselves when they are adults.

THANK GOD FOR THE SMOKING BAN if smokers want to smoke let them go ahead now at last we have a choice whether or not we want to breathe in their disgusting smoke
Sweden is the next to ban smoking in bars and restaurants

STOCKHOLM (AFP) - Sweden will introduce a ban on smoking in all bars and restaurants at the stroke of midnight on Tuesday, joining a growing band of European countries seeking to reduce the number of people who light up and limit the risks of second-hand smoke.

he ban has been largely welcomed in the Scandinavian country, where a recent poll showed that 85 percent favour an end to smoking in restaurants and 77 percent support a ban in bars and clubs.

Even two-thirds of smokers questioned said they agreed with the ban, according to the Temo poll conducted in early May.

The Swedish law follows similar legislation already introduced in several other European countries, including neighbouring Norway and Ireland.

As of June 1 Swedish patrons will have to go outside to have a smoke, which can mean a chilly puff for much of the year in this northern clime.

Establishments will only be allowed to permit smoking indoors if they build a separate, closed-off section with specially-designed ventilation, though no food or drinks can be consumed in the special area.

But most small bars and restaurants will not be able to afford such renovations.

The ban comes following intense lobbying from the National Board of Public Health, which has long argued that hotel, bar and restaurant staff are three times more likely to die of lung cancer than employees in other sectors due to their extensive exposure to smoke.

Despite the broad acceptance of the new law, some smokers said they were hesitant about its introduction.

"I don't know what smokers are going to do," said Yvonne as she stubbed out her umpteenth cigarette in an ashtray at the Golden Hits restaurant and nightclub in central Stockholm.

"They'll go smoke outside with their drink but some will probably leave without paying," she joked.

Bar and restaurant owners have been gearing up ahead of the June 1 ban.

Svat Ayranci, the owner of the small "Stil" nightclub, said he expected that he would have to remind his clients who light up to take their cigarettes outside.

"It'll be hard at first," he admitted.

But it should pay off. The Temo poll showed that 95 percent of 2,000 people surveyed said they expected to go out to eat as often or more often once the ban comes into effect.

Only three percent said they would go out less often.

Other studies have shown that the ban will have little impact on restaurants' and bars' sales, since those who have higher incomes go out more often and smoke the least.

Meanwhile, Sweden's centuries-old tradition of "snus", a form of moist snuff placed under the lip and used by more than a million Swedes, could see an upswing.

Snus comes individually packaged in portion sizes, wrapped in a thin layer of paper which is placed under the lip and sucked on for several hours. A pack of 20 packets is sold in a round, plastic pillbox.

The EU banned the sale of snus in 1992, citing research that said it causes cancer, but granted an exception to Sweden when it joined the bloc in 1995.

Some Swedish bars and restaurants plan to place "snus-trays" -- instead of ashtrays -- in their establishments.

The new anti-smoking legislation is the latest step in an ambitious Swedish plan adopted in 2002 to get people to kick the nicotine habit.

Already one of the countries with the lowest share of smokers, having dropped from 31.4 percent in 1980 to 17.5 percent in 2003, the aim is to cut their number by half by 2014.

In 1998, Sweden was the first country in the world to have fewer than 20 percent smokers, as recommended by the World Health Organisation.

The plan is also aimed at reducing the number of youths under the age of 18 who smoke as well as the share of heavy smokers, and to ensure that no one is exposed to second-hand smoke against their will.
Yep it feels great to be able to go to a resuraunt without having to breath the unhealfy diskusting smoke! :D