Seeing as how we can barely get the college crowd to vote I don't even know why trying to get high schoolers to vote is even on the minds of anyone. This is how I see it. People now days are too busy in their own worlds to care about national policy, let alone international policy. That means they will watch the news everynight and believe every single word said about the candidates and will listen to the mud slinging and the basic BS that is fed through the media. As examples, people will vote for Kerry thinking Bush will start a draft, and people will vote for Bush thinking Kerry is anti-American because of Vietnam.
Jefferson said, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." In other words, do your own research and vote based on what you find out. Don't be an ignorant vote. You can't believe those talking heads on TV everyhour (dare I mention CBS and their "documents") we don't know if they're bias and how they're bias, just remember, they're out to make money by getting ratings. *cough* Fox News *cough*
In reality, the less people that vote that makes a more educated vote count more. More people voting might be more democratic, but it doesn't mean it's a quality vote. Why do you think we have an Electorial College and Republic?