Isn't there enough bickering.Guys! Guys! first check your facts.
Their used to be the whole Of the Indian Nation adminstered by the British Raj which included Sri Lanka Or Ceylon as it was called.Ceylon was made a separate entity even before Independence for adminstrative reasons.Mainland India comprised of what is India and Pakistan today.Their were 700 Independent Princely States who were given an option to join either of the nations and the Hindu Ruler of Kashmir abstained ,refusing to recognize and face realities.Kashmir is a land locked country bound by The Great Himalayan Ranges in the north and with a contiguouus border with Pak and India.It has a poor economy with no industries , agriculture and tourism is their mainstay.With no access to a free market and limited resources it as a nation cannot survive and is bound to be gobbled by the regional powers.When Pak backed marauders started filtering through ,backed by the Pak Reg Army Units, the locals despite their religious affinity(maximum--muslims),were not spared.The womenfolk were raped and villages and farms pillaged.In desperation the King who all said and done was a benevolent despot agreed to accede to The Indian Union ,as he was aware of what awaited his loyal subjects.Since 1947 India has accorded a special status to Kashmir and they receive central monetary assistance and no outsiders can settle in Kashmir.The same is not true for Pok(Pak Occupied Kashmir),Punjabis And Sindhis have gradually moved in and the demographic pattern is changing.
Its true that religious affinity as the parameter for dividing the Sub-Continent was the yard stick for partition as insisted by The Muslim League as led by Mr. Md Ali Jinnah.What however is more true is that India has the 2nd largest Muslim population after Indonesia in the world and definitely more Muslim population than Pakistan.Our President Shri APJ Abdul Kalam is a Muslim by the way.
Where greed and avarice and personal ambitions of a community are concerned even religious affinities take second place.Bangladesh prior to 1971 was called East Pakistan and although there reps won an overall margin in the National elections of Pakistan they were not allowed to form a Govt.When they protested the West Pakis dominated by the Punjabi-Sindhi cliche let loose a reign of terror and genocide in East Pakistan.The banner of revolt was raised and India which stood all alone in the International forum and whose borders were bursting at the seams with the fleeing refugees from the estwhile East Pakistan ;aided the freedom fighters or the MuktiBahini liberated and formed Bangladesh.Ever since Pakistan which sees it as a humilation is on the lookout to foment trouble in Kashmir in an aggressive manner while maintaining a cloak of Military Junta which has held sway for the maximum period in its history and the feudalistic and outdated policies ,the countriys' economy has nothing to boast about and as such they have to depend on the USA for aid and have to put up an anti-terrorrist facade.
Kahmir going independent would open up a can of worms similar to the Balkan crisis after the fall of the Iron Curtain cohesion ,with every miority claiming independence and pre-ponderance.Are you guys aware that Kashmir still has pockets of Hindus and Sikhs? And what about Ladhakhis who are mostly Buddhists and have more in common wuth Tibetans, Ladhakhis also have a Shia-Muslim population who are not overtly fond of the Sunni Muslim dominated Pakistan.With the so called independence these minorities would be wiped out.Well friends the solution is not so easy.Maybe what Lee Enfield has to say makes some sense yet!