Reorganizing American defense

sandy said:
I don't think a draft is a good way.
For example S Korea.
S Korea is the few country where conscription is being still carried out.
But there is an important problem.
The young people are eager not to like being drafted into the army and to emigrate.
If the United States carries out conscription, young people would escape to Canada.
And an amateur soldier isn't useful for high-tech war.
Conscription is perfect out-of-dateness.
What is armed society?
Is citizen society with guns?
Isn't that dangerous?
Is it true that a child can't walk way alone in the United States?
The patriotism is important for certain.
But patriotism sometimes produces an absurd situation.
A councilor says so in Russia.
" If a Russian lady gets married to a foreigner, her Russian nationality should be stripped off. "
A reason; To stop washing away to a foreign country of an excellent Russian lady.

I completely agree with you on conscriprion.
In almost all "good" Europian armies the conscription is a way to INTRODUCE the young people to the Army life for just 6-9 months and to offer to the best of them to stay there as profrssionals.

In Russia, however, they were trying to have ALL the armed forces be conscripts(beside the officers, of course!). It has failed and now they have the weirdest situation of all: The majority of the soldiers in the line units are "professionals". They are under contract. However, the majority of the junior officers are conscripts - the former collge graduates who were drafted. The Military Academies graduates are fleeing the Army.

The problem with the conscript army, I believe(among others) lies in the neccesity to have both - a professional army people to fill all the impotant positions and the mass of conscripts that have to be pushed hard to learn stuff.
So you go for the double expense - the professionals aren't cheap and the conscription isn't cheap either.

On the subject - I believe that the US Army will benefit if some militarized police units will be created to fight the insurgencies like in Iraq.
I mean the unitsq like the Spanish Guardia Civil or Italian Carabinieri.
The are trained to fight like a light infantry and do the police work.
but they are military, not the police, if I not mistaken.
I don't think it's the Armed forces that need to be more usable, it's the command and control systems need to be more integrated so when the civilian sector require support they get it and whats more they've got a military man advising on it's capabilities,capacities and endurance so the asset's that are requested fit the task demanded of it. As for sunb arguments about conscription, my god!the amount of time spent in the British Army's WO&SGT's Messes arguing the pro's and con's! Personally the more professional the more capable and flexible it is, not to mention politically acceptable. By the time a soldier is hitting the 3year point he has just become a well trained and useful asset capable of complex and difficult operations,and no disrespect i worked along side a lot of conscripted soldiers(including Norwegian) and found the motivation to be at varying level's i.e not consistant. Even regulars need a little arse kicking you don't need lads that are not dedicated to the task,and let's face it when it's not a popular operation/situation you need every once of dedication you can get to pull it off.
We do not have 100% motivated soldiers into service up here, that is a fact, and I totally agree with you on the motivation issues, poacher63.
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Just who and where is America threatened that you need to beef up the military in the US. In the States as far as I can see the main threat is from terrorist, so that is an intelligence operation. Do you need extra para military forces,well most towns and cities seem to have a Swat Teams and if they are not para military I don't know what is. Now air patrols flown by cadets, well in good weather along the beach fine but what will they achieve with today submarines what have a far better underwater capability than a WW2 submarine.
Now America is hardly likely to be invaded from Canada, I can't see any Nation making a beach landing on America, there only big problem is there porous southern borders were any one can cross quite easily
That was exactly the point of my post wherein I pointed out the extreme difference between us and Israel.
I've been working on a couple papers outlinining this problem. When I can get them off the other comp I'll have em up.