Random thought of the moment...

Probably for the women yeah lol, kinda strange when you have a guy staring into your eyes asking you how the lightbulb got there o.O

(is he kidding? who knows he's mysterious) lol
Probably for the women yeah lol, kinda strange when you have a guy staring into your eyes asking you how the lightbulb got there o.O

(is he kidding? who knows he's mysterious) lol

LMAO, hehehehehehee....dosent matter who treats you when your in pain....what matters is that she/he can make tha' pain go away ;)
It's getting cold in the mornings, I can feel the Fall coming...

The fall is my most favorite season!!!! I love to watch the leaves turn diffrent colors :)..I love the weather, and pumpkin pie!!!!! yum...with lots of cool whip on top, hehehehehhehe...yummy..can't wait for Thanksgiving!!!
I love Thanksgiving only when someone else cooks and cleans up otherwise ugh..

LOL...The women in our family "always have to cook"...sigh..and everything is made from "scratch"...long process..we begin at 3 or 4 in that morning, just to have everything ready for dinner that Thanksgiving night..anyway it's all well worth it at the end :mrgreen:
I'm thinking I'm glad she's gained weight. I hope it's shut her and her skanky mean mouth up.

Ugh, that is so mean of me too. *Feels bad, but not bad enough to really feel sorry.*