Random thought of the moment...

I need to learn the Spanish language both in write and speak...

I read, write, speak spanish perfectly and fluently (among other languages) for that matter..that was only possible because my mother would send me to Mexico for the summer..I had the privilege and honor to attend school in Chihuahua,...My best advice is that you socialize which you will be doing in Monterrey anyway, theres no better way of learning than interacting and socializing :) Kuddo's!!!!
Yes, you're right, and I'm learning in MSL (Mexican Sign Language), too.

Wow, thats cool!!! Kuddo's to you!!! you will become a very successful young man :) its definetly awsome to speak more than one language :) especially sign language!! I know the alphabet and basic meanings in sign language... :) LOL,
If that actually happens, you are able to drink the chocolate from the chocolate stations.

"Warning: Chocolate can be sweet and tastful if shallowed."