Random thought of the moment...

The mind is a terrible thing to misplace, once the darn thing stops working, its hell trying to get it to start up again
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I think you are right. I like to take my dog for a walk on this trail (check link), it goes on for a couple of miles, has a lovely waterfall at the end of it. There are also other trails, on the way, that also go on for miles, the forest is very dense around here:

My dog

The trail:


Thanks TI, I think it is too. I do miss the mountains of British Columbia though (where I used to live), but you can't have it all I guess.

Actually what you see is a gravel road, which quickly turns into a narrow trail, very rocky in parts.
It is! Actually he's on youtube as well, this was when he was a kitten. Here's the link: It looks like the audio has been disabled. pity. It was the song 'forever young' by Rod Stewart.

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