Random thought of the moment...

Although its not as short as it used to be. I'm starting to mellow out in my old age. Which is probably a good thing. LOL
I didn't think mine would ever go away either. That silly Irish temper of mine. But I've mellowed a lot lately. Or maybe I just don't care enough to get upset about things anymore. I dunno. *shrug*
I'm sure you do! LOL It took me till I hit....well 31 really. Its just been in the past couple of months. You have, what? Twelve years to go? :p
You can't get banned, Rob. I'd cry. And pout. And leave. Then who would irritate everyone? You simply cannot get banned. :p
I wish they made a type of drug that made you WANT to do work

This way, I get home from school and im exhausted and I cant concentrate at all!