Post a Picture of Yourself!

Me at a beach in Normandy looking towards Arromanche. On the horizon you can see the rest of the artificial port the allies build on D-Day./quote

Great pic. Looks like you just took the beach! Or is it McArthur - I will return!
Post a picture of youself - don't be shy!

Let's see if anyone is interested in putting a face to a name. Don't be shy, we're all ugly.

Guess this means I get to go first (sigh, I really need to stop drinking). Me and my middle daughter, Tonia, over football and beers, circa 6 months ago. Yes, we're scarfing Nachos and no, she's not drinking a beer:

Well, ****. I did try the search! But I searched under different parameters.

OK, mods, you of the thankless job, lock this thread.

Damn, I was REALLY sure this never existed here!
I would apply it to both of you. And Boy!,.... I'd give a lot to be able to change places with you in being one of the "young bucks" again.

Two admirable young people. I hope you both get to realise your dreams in life
Not tactless fox, go on, admit it,... she knocked your sox off didn't she?:smile:

Ahhh,.. to be young again. I may be only an old fart, but the pretty young ladies still catch my eye too.