Post a Picture of Yourself!

Wow....I guess you're prettiest gal in this milforum. :hide:

Now Fox are you blushing now, thats so cute. Heheheheeee.....

You have good taste Fox Sunshine is a catch.

And Sunshine get use to it you have many years of men going sheepish over you.

You go girl!
lol thanks Kiwi Ill get use to it eventully its nice hehe Hey Fox you from Taxas thats cool all those cowboys out there lol jk
Texas sorry when we say it it sounds the way its spelt thats why im so bad at spelling my accent gets in the way lol oops darn this southern accent lol
hey now my accent aint wierd just real uh southern is all ive been told that its cute by my buddy who lives in iowa and he dont have an accent either
i talk fast sometimes but not al the time it aint to bad

You don't want to talk too slow honey your sound retarded.

As for accents mine is the weirdest, but seems to be a turn on for some.

And there should be not picking on peoples speak patterns bro LOL.
