Post a Picture of Yourself!

GuyontheRight said:
Meta, you do Vietnam reanacting?

Trying real hard. :)

Believe it or not, there are a few of us up here in Canada really dedicated to it. We're a bit limited by weapons laws and such, but we do what we can. I'm the original so I'm the guy with all the stuff.. but the other boys are coming along nicely, most have virtually everything they need for complete period impressions.

Few other pics for you. I'll make them links as it seems that a nice mod converted my previous ones for me. ;)
We find ourselves nestled right in among the great lakes.. about 2 hours east of Detroit. :) Southern Ontario.

You'd be surprised how many guys are interested in the time period and the conflict itself, even if they aren't into the reenacting thing. We're far from being up to my own strict standards of where I'd like to see us... but we're moving fast.

I'm hoping to hold a little event next year to introduce more people to it. However, I think we're a bit off topic for this forum. I don't want to make a bad impression my first week here. ;)