Milforum Cowgirl
nice cat you got there.
You mean my horses??? We are in Louisiana. lol
Tell me about it. We had sooty grey one a couple of years ago, grey hair everywhere, plus combing and brushing every night to remove tangles and grass seeds. Definitely not a country cat.
phoenix, that's one tolerant cat you've got there. I can barely get Sampson to stay still if I pick him up.
And those are all beautiful horses...I miss riding...
Yeah, we're headed that way now, with days in the low 70s, It'll come soon enough. I just hope we get some decent rain before it does....but id love to have some cold weather right now lol...its just sooo hot here right now
Summer colds are hard to shake. Fortunately I haven't had one for many years (no bug would dare to attack me) I'm over weight and don't really get enough exercise, but as fit as a Mallee bull medically with good cholesterol limits, it drives my Doctor to distraction.sam here... and i caught a cold too!
thanks AJ....I havent been able to go like id like to bc i had been working 2 jobs...but now that im loosing both ill have plenty of time lol