I think Russians are still producing Mi-24. The newest model is coled Mi-35M All Mi-24 in the Polish Army will be replaced in a couple of years...probably by Apache or European Tiger.
Polish "Hummers" - we have 217 of them and more are coming soon.
Polish "M-98" Mortar
Mortar teams taking their positions
Polish troops presenting their equiment.
W3W "Sokół" (Falcon)
As for the Mi-24 Polish Army decided that it is a waste of money to modernize them because it's an old technology. That’s why they are going to be replaced.
During my time in Afghanistan, I worked with a number of Polish Soldiers. Very good group of folks. Though as nails. That is why I always wanted to travel to Poland. Also, from my time working with them. It changed my opinion of the Polish Military. I thought that after the fall of the Warsaw pact that Poland was nothing but a thrid rate military power. But when I saw them in action. I was blown away. It is a top notch fighting machine. Hardcore and battle tested.
Also, as a side note, the sight on that rifle is an American Designed Eo-Tech Model A65.12. Great sights, I had one on my Service issue M4 carbine and on my personal M4 Carbine. THey have a battery life of 800 hours and run off two simple AA batteries.
It's hard to tell at the moment. We must wait till our governmentofficially decide to remove them from the Army. Than the Mi-24 will be transferred to AMW - Military Property Agency. The AMW will decide who will be allowed to buy them.