Polish Army Photos

12-14 February - Tactical exercise of 6th Tank Company (10th Armored Cavalry Brigade).






Np TOG... here's more:

Fire exercise
by Information-Press Section, PMC Afghanistan
Monday, February 04 2008


Polish soldiers of Operational Mentor and Liaison Team (OMLT) from Gardez, Paktia, who mentor and train Afghan National Army, carried the winter fire exercise on January 30.



Quick ride by the hummer to the indicated positions, the assault soldiers quickly exiting the vehicle and taking fire positions, the machine gun gunner shooting at the indicated targets; a fire exchange with a simulated enemy and a safe withdrawal. This is a summary of the January 30 exercise, prepared by MAJ Andrzej Dachter from OMLT command for his soldiers.



- Even though our soldiers practically participate all the time in operations of Afghan army - supporting them with their knowledge, that does not mean that we should abandon their training and exercises. This is why we organized this small training, during the ANA operation "National Treasure", in which we actively participate - he explained. - The idea was to reinforce the response procedures on the enemy attack on convoy or patrol and - at the same time - carry the winter fire exercise - added MAJ Dachtera.

Photos: Krzysztof Wilewski

Source: http://www.redakcjawojskowa.pl/gazeta/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=11700&Itemid=29
Translated by MZ

Helpful patrol
by Marcin Wilga
Monday, February 04 2008


A civilian vehicle slid off the "Ohio" road. A passing Polish patrol from 1st platoon, Battle Team "A", pulled the ditched car out and checked on the passengers - an Afghan family.

Several women, children and men have been waiting several hours for help with pulling their damaged vehicle out of snow, which slid off the road because of the icy road surface. The driver unsuccessfully tried digging out the vehicle, which sank in a deep snow. The passengers have been waiting at the side of the road for any help. The Polish patrol stopped by and their Rosomak pulled the vehicle out of snow back on the road.


The patrol medics checked the passengers for any abrasions or contusions. Fortunately nobody was hurt. After giving the help the Polish soldiers went back to Ghazni.

Photos: MAJ Grzegorz Husar

Source: http://www.redakcjawojskowa.pl/gazet...1710&Itemid=29
Translated by MZ
Mountain patrol
by Krzysztof Wilewski
Tuesday, February 12 2008

The road from Gardez to Khowst has a strategic meaning for this part of Paktia. Polish soldiers from the Operational Mentoring Liaison Team (OMLT) patrol this road regularly - together with ANA soldiers trained by them - ensuring that the military convoys and civilian vehicles are not exposed to terrorist attacks.


A post number one of the Afghan police on that road is also known as the eagle's nest; and with the good reason - it has been built at 3500 meters a.s.l. and it definitely overlooks the neighborhood. Due to the strategic meaning of the road, where this post has been built, Polish OMLT soldiers and ANA soldiers come here quite often.


The neighboring mountains - full of inscrutable caverns and of villages hidden in the valleys - and the closeness of the hard-to-control border with Pakistan make this region a haven for terrorist groups, which have been active here for a long time. Ensuring safety on the KG Pass road, as it is officially called, is one of the priorities of ANA units stationed in this region, as well as Polish OMLT soldiers training the ANA.


This time the patrol was carried under harsh winter conditions where snow makes the mountain roads deadly dangerous. But the patrol went very quiet. They have only met trucks filled with firewood. The Afghan police officers at post no. 1 reported nothing disquieting for the last few days.




Photo: Krzysztof Wilewski

Source: http://www.redakcjawojskowa.pl/gazet...1952&Itemid=29
Translated by MZ
siema everyone!

new to the forums here. just want to say awesome pictures venom and everyone else that posted.

question, what is the current sidearm issued for the polish troops? sorry if im asking a question thats been covered before.
Welcome aboard blank3d (rodaku) :wink:

Currently the standard sidearm used by Polish soldiers is WIST-94 9mm pistol.


from Wiki:


WIST-94 is a semi-automatic pistol chambered for 9mm Parabellum round. It uses the Browning cam-lug system of operation. The polygonal-rifled barrel is locked to the slide by three locking lugs machined into the upper part of the barrel. The frame is made from polymer plastic while the slide is constructed from steel. The trigger mechanism is similar to the one used in Glock pistols: striker-fired double-action-only (DAO). After racking the slide back and after each shot fired the striker is held semi-cocked allowing for lighter trigger pull than conventional double-action. The only safety used is an internal automatic firing pin safety that unlocks the firing pin only in the final stages of the trigger pull. WIST-94 is fed by a 16 round magazine. The magazine catch is reversible for use by left-handed shooter. Slide release lever is located at the left side of the gun. The sights are fixed and are equipped with tritium inserts for low-light situations. Wist-94L is also equipped with a laser sight mounted in the upper part of trigger guard.

More info - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WIST-94
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Farewall ceremony to Polish pilots.

18.02.2008 - 21st Air Base in Świdwin: Farewall ceremony to Polish pilots who have died in CASA plane crash on January 24th, 2008.




Polish Air Force Commander Major-General Andrzej Błasik





Hey guys,I'm new to this site and I just wanna say that, this is pretty good forum and I've been looking for something like that a long long time.
First I wanna say Thanks a lot to Venom for all of the footage and images he posted here, piece of good work bro (I'm also from Poland, Wroclaw)
and I also wanna thank to all of you who got involved into polish military subject.
I'm gonna try to help and share some of my work if I find some time. Cyaz all soon.
Welcome to the forums kilox :cheers: I'm glad that you like this thread and of course Your comments and posts are most welcome.

A mass for the killed
by Krzysztof Wilewski
2008-03-03 15:15:30

On March 3 a funeral mass was celebrated for the souls of two Polish soldiers killed on February 26 - CORP Szymon Słowik and LANCE CORP Hubert Kowalewski. It started with the traditional hymn "Bogurodzica" - The Mother of God.

More than 1000 soldiers of Polish Battle Group (PBG) and National Support Element from Sharana and of the American 4th Brigade Combat Team (4th BCT) participated in the Sunday service for CORP Szymon Słowik and LANCE CORP Hubert Kowalewski, celebrated at the FOB Sharana.

The mass was con-celebrated in two languages by father Polish LT-COL Zbigniew Sawicki and Roman-Catholic father American CAPT Eugene Theisen. The following commanders participated: Polish BRIG-GEN Jerzy Biziewski - a commander of Polish Military Contingent, American BRIG-GEN Rodney Anderson - a deputy commander of CJTF-82, American COL Martin Schweitzer - a commander of the 4th BCT, Polish LT-COL Piotr Zieja - a commander of PBG. Local Afghan authorities were led by dr Mohammed Akram Khpalwak, a governor of Paktika Province.

Letters of condolences - sent by the commanders of the units, where the two soldiers had been serving: the 6th Air Assault Brigade and the 10th Armored Cavalry Brigade - were read.

The Americans posthumously honored the two soldiers with the American Bronze Star medals.






Text: Krzysztof Wilewski
CAPT Radosław Zieliński
Information-Press Section
Photos: WO Robert Lemanowicz
PMC Afghanistan

Source: http://www.isaf.wp.mil.pl/aktualnosc_300.html
Translated by MZ

10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade

Medieval helpdesk
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Żubr has appeared

One year after Tur demonstration AMZ Kutno has shown the first copy of yet another animal vehicle - Żubr.[1] First of this series is Żubr-P vehicle - a platform for special systems.


Żubr-P is designed for transport of special systems. After its delivery to CNPEP Radwar it will be enriched with Poprad[2] or N-26/MMSR radar related electronics and with communication systems. Radwar will also build in a hydraulic system for operation of armored blinds protecting the system at the back of Żubr / Photo: Grzegorz Hołdanowicz

In this case the special systems are to be: a column of a launcher of "Poprad' system and "Soła" radar (N-26/MMSR) from CNPRP Radwar. In this form Poprad will soon be presented to Polish Armed Forces for the tests.

The basic Żubr variant, for transport of 10 soldiers, will be ready in June.

Żubr-P is a prototype vehicle, since it will be undergoing modifications resulting from tests carried in parallel in several directions. Its external shell may also be modified, mainly by adding a series of masking devices and compartments.



Żubr is 6590 mm long (with winch), 2450 mm wide and 2650 mm tall. It was designed this way so it can be loaded to C-190 - which might be an interesting proposal for airport protection units or air force de-mining units. One such company - ground protection module - formed in Powidz, currently uses Honkers / Photo: Grzegorz Hołdanowicz

Its acceptable total mass is between 10 and 15 tones - depending on a final choice of chassis, which is important from point of view of air transport and flexibility of modular up-armoring. The current prototype is set on Iveco EuroCargo 4x4 chassis, although other chassis have been considered and may be used in the future.

The crew space is protected by an armor of the level 3 STANAG 4569 protection. According to requirements of potential users it was assumed that its resistance to explosions will be at least at the level 3B STANAG 4569 - meaning that this design should ensure crew survival during explosion of 8 kg TNT mine under the wheels or under the hull.

Maximal speed of Żubr is about 100 km/h and maximal distance covered on one tank of gasoline - about 600 km. Possibility of automatic transmission is being considered for the future. A run-flat system - that is a system allowing the vehicle movement even after the tires have shot through - is also being considered, probably the same as used on AMV Rosomak.


[1]Tur and Żubr - Aurochs and Wisent, armored vehicles manufactured by AMZ Kutno
[2]Poprad - a launcher of anti-aircraft Grom missiles on a special column with an opto-electronic system.
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GROM SF in Iraq -2002-2004

Medieval helpdesk

Interesting detail: Have you guys ever heard of Operation "Simoom" ?

Operation Simoom (Polish: Operacja Samum) was a top secret Polish intelligence operation conducted in Iraq in 1990.

In 1990 the CIA asked European intelligence agencies to assist in the extraction of six American operatives (a mix of CIA and DIA officers) investigating Iraqi troop movements in Iraq before the Gulf War (WP 1995). Several countries, such as Russia, Great Britain, and France refused to help in such a dangerous operation; only Poland agreed to help (WP 1995). The operation was very risky because if the cover were to be blown, all operatives were likely to be killed.

Poland had ties throughout Iraq because of construction work carried out there by Polish engineering firms (WP 1995) and sent a few operatives to start working on the operation. Gromosław Czempiński (WV 1999) became the commander of this operation, assigned to it by Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and first chief of Urząd Ochrony Państwa, Krzysztof Kozłowski (WP 1995). Ironically, Czempiński has previously been a spy in the United States and either took part or led many operations against the Western intelligence services (WP 1995). The main plan was to reestablish contact with the hiding American spies and give them Polish passports so they could escape from Iraq in a bus, alongside Polish and Russian workers.

The escape came after the six agents spent weeks on the run in Kuwait and Baghdad (WP 1995). The operation was very difficult because the Iraqis started to suspect some kind of American-Polish intrigue (WP 1995).

The agents were given refuge at a Polish construction camp, and then provided with passports and put on a refugee bus. An Iraqi soldier who was patrolling the border had studied in Poland and knew Polish well enough to communicate. When the bus arrived at the border, he asked one of the American spies a question in Polish. Since the spy did not know Polish at all, he pretended to be heavily drunk (another version states that the operative in question fainted). Nevertheless, the bus managed to cross the border with all occupants (WP 1995). Poles moved the agents out of Iraq and into the safety of Turkey (WP 1995). Operatives from both sides returned to their countries. Polish forces rescued not only the agents but also secret maps—detailed maps of Baghdad and particulars about military installations scattered throughout Iraq—apparently crucial for Operation Desert Storm. (WP 1995, WV 1999)

As a reward for Poland's help, the US government promised to cancel half, or $16.5 billion, of Poland's foreign debt (NYT 1995).

In at least two other operations, the Poles later aided another 15 foreigners to escape, mostly Britons, held hostage by the Iraqis as part of Saddam Hussein's "human shield" campaign to deter an allied invasion. (WP 1995)

Information about this operation was first revealed in 1995 by The Washington Post (NYT 1995, WV 1999). In 1999, Polish director Władysław Pasikowski made a movie, Operacja Samum about this operation; it was the first Polish production co-financed by Warner Bros. and third by HBO (WV 1999).

Polish Army - Land Forces

Medieval helpdesk

Polish Army - Land Forces 2

Medieval helpdesk

"Bagram III" exercise - preparation of 3rd rotation of Polish Soldiers in Afghanistan (04-13.03.2008)
Medieval helpdesk
Part 1

New thunderbolts of GROM

by Remigiusz Wilk (REMOV)

A visit of US SOCOM commander in Warsaw has become an excuse for presentation of the newest weaponry of WFS GROM. Some arms and equipment, until now only rumored to be in the unit's arsenal, were publicly shown for the first time.


Admiral Eric T. Olson - referring to training, conceptual and battle cooperation of American and Polish special units - announced development of the said cooperation. According to commander of Special Military units GEN-MAJ W. Potasiński this includes cooperation in operational-strategic training of commanders from Special Military Command (DWS), which should result in the highest level of DWS command abilities. The cooperation is also important for building the basis of the development plan until 2018.

The presentation included weapons bought from Cenzin in 2006:
  • 5.7 mm machine guns FN P90 TR (Triple Rail), equipped with three universal mounting rails
  • 5.56 mm automatic carbines FN F2000 Tactical, with the mount rail on the back of the lock chamber, equipped with spare mechanical aiming devices
and weapons bought from Cenzin this year:
  • 5.56 mm sub-carbines H&K HK416D10RS
  • 5.56 carbines H&K HK416D145RS with 40 mm grenade launchers H&K GLM (AG-HK416 revision)
Suppport weapons were also presented:
  • High caliber 12.7 mm Barret M107
  • Middle caliber 7.62 mm KAC SR-25 and 8.6 mm AI AWM-F
  • The newest Swedish 84 mm anti-armor grenade launcher SAAB Bofors Dynamics Carl Gustav M3
  • Polish 60 mm mortar OBR SM LM-60K from Tarnów - praised by the operators for its effectiveness in Afghanistan (another ZM Tarnów's product - high caliber 12.7 mm machine gun - was also praised)
  • British high caliber 12.7 mm machine gun M2 QCB

A demonstration in front of GROM barracks during the official visit of Admiral Eric T. Olson, US Special Operations Command (US SOCOM), invited by Polish Special Military Commander MAJ-GEN Włodzimierz Potasiński.

Butt-less rifles with no excitement: P90 and F2000

Butt-less rifles eliminate the main problems of disposing empty cases in vicinity of the shooter's face.

FN P90 is mainly used during protection of VIPs. This Belgian machine pistol combines small mass and dimensions (length 500 mm, mass with loaded magazine a little more than 3.2 kg) with high fire power due to its 50-bullet magazine and new pistol ammunition 5.7 mm x 30 - specifically designed for passing through ballistic protections.


Machine pistol FN P90 TR (shown here with the sound muffler) is mainly used for VIPs protection

Small number of FN F2000 have been bought to test whether or not the butt-less weapons would be useful in special operations. Although GROM operators are pleased with the butt-less weapons there are no plans of moving to this kind of weaponry - which is caused by the fact that training procedures are based on classical systems, especially those which preserve the locations of manipulators of M4/M4A1 carbine. For example, the newest American weapon for special units - Mk 16/Mk 17 SCAR - practically copies the M4 external interface.


GROM has obtained several Fn F2000 carbines and even though the commandos are pleased with them they will continue using classical system mainly because of the training procedures

New standard: HK416

The newest family of rifle design, based on the German 5.56 mm automatic carbine HK416, is to become the basic GROM weapon - thus eliminating the previously used M4A1 clones manufactured by Knight's Armament Co. (KAC) and Bushmaster. What's interesting - the shorter version of HK416 (HK416D10RS with 264 barrel) will be bought in greater numbers than the regular length HK416D145RS (368 mm barrel) - same as M4A1. A sign of times related to the stress on urban terrain combat? And even though the mass of the German carbine is greater than the mass of Colt M4A1 (RO977) the former offers greater reliability and longevity.
  • Mass of basic HK416D145RS with 30-bullet empty steel magazine - 3.54 kg, mass of Colt M4A1 (RO977) - 2.79 kg
  • Mass of shorter variant HK416D10RS - 2.99 kg, mass of sub-carbine M4 Commando (RO933) - 2.55 kg
(One has to remember that the those numbers are significantly greater when ammunition and grenade launchers are included.)


The newest GROM's purchase - 5.56 mm sub-carbine HK416D10RS with the aimer ELCAN SpecterDR (SU-230/PVS) and the laser target pointer Laser Devices DBAL-A2 (AN/PEQ-15A)

This reliability and longevity of the German design have been attained by elimination of the M16/M4 Achilles' heel - Stoner's gas system (a thin pipe to direct the gases from the barrel to bolt carrier and replacing it by the system with piston and piston rod. Even though the original solution has its advantages - simpler design and elimination of movable elements, which results in better accuracy - it has however several disadvantages: more contamination (the remains of the powder) gets into the lock chamber - heating it up - and making it vulnerable to frequent jams.

No contamination enters the inside of the carbine with the piston and piston rod system. There is also no direct interaction of hot gases on bolt carrier or the lock chamber. Consequently such design is more reliable, has longer life span and correctly operates in any environment - even in a desert one with great amount of dust, and requires less maintenance.


Automatic carbine HK416D145RS with under-barrel grenade launcher AG-HK416 (ELM), holographic aimer EOTech HWS.553 (SU-231/PEQ), DBAL-A2 (AN/PEQ-15A) and Surefire flashlight. Notice the two-dimensional barcode on the aimer and the pointer, which is used by all American equipment and weaponry since last year (all having NSN numbers; that is, existing in the logistical system of American Armed Forces).

The appearance of HK416 has caused great interest in the weapons market. After it found its way to the American special elite unit SFOD-D (Delta Force) it quickly replaced the Colt product there. From the outside the carbine looks exactly as the well known M4A1 - for which special training procedures has been created for the American special units and copied by similar formations all over the world, and for which SOPMOD program has been also created - resulting in thousands of various accessories for this rifle. But internally the German design is much more reliable than the original one.

From the marketing point of view the HK416 design was an excellent move because the H&K has become the most important player as a supplier of the better replacement of M4 in special units and later in regular units. The H&K success has caused the revolution among the American manufacturers of the M16/M4 clones, who have begun manufacturing their own solutions of this kind: LWRC, LMT, Bushmaster, POF-USA, Barrett. Even the Colt itself has joined the race.

Optical electronics for special units: DBAL-A2 i SpecterDR

To understand a phenomenon of M4 popularity in special units one has to realize that this is mainly a result of SOPMOD program; that is, the introduction of the Picatinny universal mount rail (MIL-STD-1913) and various accessories to be freely mounted on that rail. In asymmetric conflicts, where the infantry plays the main role, anything that creates an instantaneous - even very minute - advantage over a similarly equipped enemy counts. This is why the various additional accessories are so important. They are not to be seen as useless gadgets. In hands of a well trained professional operator they become the elements helping him in operational success and preserving his ability for further actions. The weapon itself is still the most important element of the shooting system, but its summary effectiveness also depends on various accessories used.


The newest variant of the 84 mm grenade launcher Carl Gustav M3 (with night vision device), used by special units for destruction of reinforced resistance posts. Poland has bought in early 1990s 27 grenade launchers Carl Gustav M2 for use by Nadwiślańskie Jednostki Wojskowe MSW (MSWiA) (Vistula River Military Units of Ministry of Internal Affairs). After those units have been dissolved the launchers were later used by air cavalry and GROM.

It is therefore not a surprise that the most important Polish special units buys accessories, which are among the world's best. They include:
  • Holographic aimer EOTech HWS, currently the basic equipment in entire Polish armed forces
  • Laser target pointer Devices DBAL-A2 (Dual Beam Aiming Laser, Advanced2) (also used by American armed forces - designation AN/PEQ-15A).
Under weak lighting condition the range of the laser pointer - while working in the visual light (635 nm) - reaches 450 m, in sun - 30 m. When working in infrared light (835 nm) the range is up to 600 m or 2000 m - depending on the power selected. The dimensions of the device are 48 x 85 x 74 mm, the mass with batteries - 232 g. The 3V battery is good for five hours of continuous work. The body of the pointer is made of anodized aluminum. The DBAL-A2 is water-resistant to the depth of 3 m.
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Part 2


High caliber 12.7 mm sniper carbine M107 besides Polish 60 mm mortar for special units LM-60K (the mass of only 7.8 kg). On the background the sniper and machine guns.

Since recently GROM has become a user of a very interesting aiming device ELCAN SpecterDR (American designation SU-230/PVS), combing the advantages of the aiming lunette (magnification 4x, field of vision 6.5 degree) and a collimator (a field of vision 26 degrees) - with the constant distance of 70 mm between the eye and the ocular.

Accordingly, the problem of smooth transition from short to medium to long distances has been solved. Previously a user had two options to choose from: using the aimer (collimator of holographic one) for short range or a constant magnification lunette from medium or long distances.

The most known manufacturers of the collimator aimers (Swedish Aimpoint) and the holographic aimers (American L3 EOTech) have chosen other solution of inserting magnification add-on devices behind the basic device (without their own scale but using the projected scale of the base instrument). Such solution has however some disadvantages: the length of the entire system, additional weight of the add-on device, the question of quick replacement in tactically changing combat situations.

In contrary, the SpecterDR (Dual Role) has no such problems. What's more the aimer can work in one of three modes: a collimator, a 4x lunette with a projected sign and a 4x lunette with lighted scale (for corrections from 200 to 600 m). Thanks to the quick switch possibility a user gets two aiming devices in one 153 x 71 x 72 box.

The Canadian manufacturer (Ernst Leitz CANada) has solved the problem of shooting at all distances - from the short one, through the middle one to the long one - at the edge of the effective range of a carbine. What's interesting, a night vision monocular is to be mounted in front of the aimer - not behind it. On the body of the device, made of anodized aluminum, there are also spare mechanical aiming devices. The mass of the aimer is 598 g. It has five degrees of scale lighting. According to the manufacturer the working time of its 3V lithium battery is 2000 hours, on average.

Cenrex created a packet offered to GROM, designated as SODNoK3S (System Optroniczny Dzienno-Nocny Karabinka Sił Specjalnych - Day-Night Optical-Electrical System for Assault Carbine of Special Forces), which is made of:

  • ELCAN SpectreDR
  • Night Vision Monocular OIP Sensor system Loris 60 FOV (field of vision 60 degrees)
  • Laser Target Pointer manufactured by B.E. Meyers DIAL-100 (American army designation AN/PEQ-11): dimensions 95 x 30 x 76 mm, mass 255 g, 3V battery for 5 hours of continuous work, body made of anodized aluminum and steel, surviving exposure to salt water up to the depth of 20 m.
Cooperation: Grzegorz HOŁDANOWICZ

Photos: Grzegorz Hołdanowicz
Translated by MZ

Other newest GROM purchases


In 2007 the Zeszuta company has won the GROM tender for delivery of 10 4-wheel vehicles. Consequently a contract worth 737,360 PLN net was signed on September 11. We are not sure whether it relates specifically to these Mercedes vehicles because other vehicles were also being delivered (Quad Polaris 800) - also with very extended peripheral equipment, but the unit value indicates the MB270CDI. As seen, the vehicles have been delivered in a camouflage similar to that used in Danish or Lithuanian army.


A very interesting new purchase is heavy and surely partially armored Toyota Hilux D-4D, with visible modifications and reinforcements, suggesting its unique anti-terrorist application. (...) The vehicle is adapted to installation of special optical-electronic equipment.


In RAPORT-wto 02/2008 we were reporting about a purchase heavy quad Polaris Sportsman 500 EFI with additional track modules, improving its handling in difficult terrain. The quads were to be delivered to the 2nd Reconnaissance Regiment (soon a regiment of deep reconnaissance) in Hrubieszów and to WFS GROM. According to our information six such vehicles were sent to Hrubieszów. They will be soon sent to Afghanistan. The GROM has received 20 such vehicles. The delivery was handled by Zeszuta Sport company.


A very interesting element of the equipment, first time publicly shown, were low-profile ocular image amplifiers AN/PVS-21 in two variants: binocular for the drivers and the 2740 Monocular version.


PVS-21 is manufactured by Specialized Technical Services (STS0 from Beaver Creek (Ohio). They are the NVG with the amplifiers of the 3rd generation, especially prepared for use by special forces operators and the rescuers from Combat Search and Rescue, during parachute jumps from high altitude with high and low parachute opening (HAHO and HALO). They can be used under water to the depth of 10 meters. The USAF rescuers obtained them already in 2002.


Three copies of AN/PVS-21 have been ordered in 2006 to Special Unit of Military Police in Gliwice. The devices were delivered by UMO from Zielonka (which also sells Taser devices). What is interesting the tender has been announced on November 7, 2006; the supplier has been chosen on December 8, 2006; the delivery supposed to be implemented by December 28, 2006. Let us remind that we are talking about highly specialized equipment for special units ...


The new item, indirectly related to WFS GROM: the Range Rover armoured, specially manufactured, bought for the Special Operations Command (DWS) in 2007.

Source: http://www.altair.com.pl/cz-art-1660
Translated by MZ
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