Police being racist?

I guess I will be blunt, the photograph aspect is a red herring and little more.

Justice only works if you have the capacity to focus on the issue at hand and not trivial nonsense like photographs of unrelated incidents.

So far your justification for the shooting of Martin is that he had a dodgy photograph taken of him, good thing the rest of the world does not share that idea of a defense or many of us would be in trouble.

Lower crime rates?
"I guess I will be blunt, the photograph aspect is a red herring and little more. Justice only works if you have the capacity to focus on the issue at hand and not trivial nonsense like photographs of unrelated incidents."

Ok, try this one more time...Not talking about the shooting or post shooting justice but the role of the Media in the story. After Furguson we see nation wide protest/riots/disruption of law & order. I believe this is what the Media wanted after the Trayvon shooting, nationwide problems to try to recreated the mass riots of the 1960s, therefore use of the outdated photo to create a false image of Trayvon & create wide spread sympathy that probably wouldn't happen with up to date photos.

"Lower crime rates?" So..lower arrest rates result in lower crime?