Pointless Wars

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Dear Jtf2 and AlexKall,

I think both of you need to read some history! :( The use of force by nation states, i.e. war, has settled more issues than all the philosophical discussions and nattering by diplomats in eternity. Not all of them used force to defend themsleves (obviously) or to preserve liberty (just look at the Nazis), but how can war in defense of the nation or to protect freedom be useless? :?
Gunner13 said:
Dear Jtf2 and AlexKall,

I think both of you need to read some history! :( The use of force by nation states, i.e. war, has settled more issues than all the philosophical discussions and nattering by diplomats in eternity. Not all of them used force to defend themsleves (obviously) or to preserve liberty (just look at the Nazis), but how can war in defense of the nation or to protect freedom be useless? :?

I see your point. But take the nazis for example, i class what they did as war, a war against jews and people who are differnet, if war are pointless and should never have happened, the world war two might not have happened, and mainly hitler might not have gotten the power if World war one never happened. I know its a bit far fetched but its philosofical thoughts from me ;) I'm usually far fetched in my thoughts, sorry about that :? ;)
The reason i see vietnam as pointless is because american troops left before they could finish what they set to accomplish.
From an evolutionary point of view, wars can serve the purpose of culling the slow and stupid out of a population, of increasing a populations access to natural resources, and of eliminating or crippling a competing population. Rarely will you see two economically, politically, and socially stable countries going to war with each other. Even the wars fought by the U.S. have usually served to increase or secure our access to key resources, such as oil, trade routes, agricultural areas, or what have you. Hell, the whole Vietnam war originated in the desire of the French to secure the profitable rubber plantations in that area.
About vietnam : The american troops left vietnam because it wasint conventianal war and they were loosing too many men and the american people were about to go chop the head of the president.

ALL WARS are pointless look you mentioned freedom...wow ok name me a war that was for freedom and it worked... IRAK is for "weapons of mass destruction" :lol: it was actualy for the oil. Does a human life have a price? because thats what were prooving right now.
Jtf2 said:
IRAK is for "weapons of mass destruction" :lol: it was actualy for the oil.

This is your opinion, not a fact.

There are countless wars that were fought and won for ideals much higher than greed, but just to name the obvious one, even though it has been mentioned (and ignored) before, WWII was fought to defend lives and homes and yes, LIBERTY.
i would say, whatever iraq is for, its not weapons of mass destruction
that that was just a usefull reason to calm down the rest of the world

They have more and are hiding them in homes schools hospitals because they know we wont check. We need to fight them
Who hides them?
Some iraqi soldiers who didnt reckognize that war is over?

I think they searched everywhere......
because they wanted to verify the reason why they started the war.....
The UN inspectors checked everything and the US checked it again...
if they were there they would have found em

They soldiers fighting have made a statement that the weapons that they found are not the only one. They are getting more and replacing others they said. This is not safe. Even media says it. we need to find them.
It is a big country, with a hell of a lot of area to search. Hell, they hid their air force in the sand out there, hiding a weapons disposal site wouldn't be too hard (this of course coming from a very limited knowledge of geology).

They soldiers fighting have made a statement that the weapons that they found are not the only one. They are getting more and replacing others they said. This is not safe. Even media says it. we need to find them.
oh i was too slow
i ment that to no mercys "we need to find them"

yes i agree to you those weapons could be in a disposal site somewhere under the desert..... but this this site site had to be built sometimes and had to be run by some personnel....those weapons are quite sensible.....
and i think there should be at last some documents or somebody who has sent goods to it or sth like that.....
so i think US satellites should have seen the building of that site if they didnt build it in one night...
and as you caught nearly the whole iraqi staff officers at least they should know about...dont you think?...and what about saddam itself?
The problem with that is that most of the upper echelon guys we have captured would only incriminate themselves further if they gave up any information about such sites, and are therefore unlikely to give us any information in that regard easily.
I was assigned work with the ISG teams in Iraq. Our mission, after the height of the war was to seek out, record and destroy any, now known affectionally, "WMD."

There is still a lot of ground to cover .. and while we never found any of the "hot" weapons that are so often spoken of in the media, we found plenty of other nastiness to bide our time.

It is my opinion that Hussein did not any unconventional weapons that could have reached the US. I think anyone with some experience in the area already knew this, despite what the current Admin attempted to subtly imply.

As for other nasties, Bio/Chem .. it's possible Hussein had some left overs, but again, he would have been confined to his own AO without having the technology to advance his weapons systems for practical delivery.

I'm sure Syria was delivered some nice Easter baskets before and during the start up of the war. As far as finding anything noteworthy (by media and DNC standards) it is highly doubtful, but not an impossibility. Hussein was closer to restarting his program, IMO, than having production already up and running. Most of the documents found (many have been released for public consumption if anyone is interested in digging them up) indicate this as well as cooperation with various terrorist organisations.

Let's not forget, we have an insurgency going on right now. Our focus is on keeping the country from falling apart .. we don't have time to roam the deserts digging up every dark sand hill we come across, we're too busy attempting to save lives.
World War I. While I agree that every war was fought for a reason, one person's death should not be enough to motivate the whole world to go to war. The archduke wasn't even that important...thats the problem with alliances- if one person is killed, everyone wants revenge on everyone.
WWI was more than the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand. The whole of Europe was wound up tight as a drum. They were just looking for an excuse to go to war. If it wasn't the assassination it would have been something else.

My 2 cents.
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