Penalty Box


I was placed in the Penalty Box for a week for not being Nice , I have no problem with this because I was not nice though I think others should have joined me , in any case I thought I was joining a military forum and not a social circle a lot of my posts were social subjects of which I'm not very good at , having said that its time move on with one point I wish to make a number of members threated to kick my ass to those I want to say I'll meet you any time any where and we can walk the walk .:neutral:
Redleg I'll keep all that in mind what I'm trying to figure out is do you delete a post ? when I click on edit it shows delete also but then goes back to edit .
This is not basic training or the military even though most of us have served. I think there is a reasonable expectation on this site that normal social norms apply. I wouldn't outright be rude to somebody for no reason whatsoever in every day interactions, and the same applies to the forum. At the same time, if someone is being a douche, then I have no obligation to keep up appearances of social graces.

I've had many heated debates on this and other forums when people put out questionable information. That's the point of a interact and debate. If you post something of questionable content then it is perfectly acceptable to challenge that content. Does it have to devolve into a poo flinging contest?...Certainly not, however, once that first salvo is shot off as a "retaliation" then a logical response is going to be more retaliation.

Just some thoughts, take it or leave it.
Redleg I'll keep all that in mind what I'm trying to figure out is do you delete a post ? when I click on edit it shows delete also but then goes back to edit .

The deleting process is a bit of a pain in the arse to be honest as it is a multi-step process.

To delete something you have to:
1. Select "EDIT"
2. Hit the "DELETE" option.
3. Check the "DELETE MESSAGE" option as it automatically checks the "DO NOT DELETE MESSAGE" option, usually this is the bit I screw up by failing to check the box.
4. Press the "DELETE THIS MESSAGE" button in the bottom right hand corner.

NOTE: You don't have to enter a reason for deleting it.

Hopefully that will delete the message, if you miss a step you end up back at the edit screen again.
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Tet, you were sent to the penalty box because you crossed the line, and some one reported you. I have a feeling that red issued at least one or two warnings, which apparently went ignored. I personally like having you around, you stir conversation. But you get what you give. If you insult members, they may just fire it right back.
As I've said social issues are not my forte and should avoid them , too me everything is black and white not shades of gray , being nice does not correlate with me in a military forum or discussions .
Tet social graces come with work. Both CT and I have shared and we didn't get them in our coming up. Hell I've been fired for insubordination. Like any other favorable attributes they take patience and practice. Or one could continue on as a knuckle dragger.
As I've said social issues are not my forte and should avoid them , too me everything is black and white not shades of gray , being nice does not correlate with me in a military forum or discussions .

Like Brinktk said, this isn't bootcamp, post, or combat. Military regulations do not apply here. Otherwise I'd have to call brinktk "Sir" (as he's an O3 and I'm an E7) and that sure as shit does not happen. Imagine the forums as a bar. Sit down, have a beer, have something to eat. Tempers flare, but the next day people sit right back in the same place and have another chat.

I believe I've said most of this before. So let me give you some advice, ok? I may be a "young buck" compared to you - simply speaking of age - but I do know what I'm talking about on occasion. I know, it's shocking, but it happens! So my advice to you is this: disregard age, and listen to what people have to say, and respond accordingly.

Tet social graces come with work. Both CT and I have shared and we didn't get them in our coming up. Hell I've been fired for insubordination. Like any other favorable attributes they take patience and practice. Or one could continue on as a knuckle dragger.

Ain't that the damned truth. I learned a long time ago to keep my mouth shut! Learned that from my Drill Sergeant when I was in basic - there's another post about this that I'm about to make. (I'll edit in a link) That man use to infuriate me.
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I was a far better field soldier than a garrison Soldier I wasn't the type you would invite to a cotillion .
I have partied from East Hampton to Tokyo with a stop over at Seoul and Saigon Aretha was doing her Chain , Chain , Chain and the Animals We gotta get out of this Place and get down meant get up and do your thing .
My Platoon Leader in VN was an 0-3 , 20 men in a aviation company Platoon including the 0-3 the Company CO was an 0-4 , 35 officers in my Company 5 commissioned the rest W=0's , Pilots flew 2 days then off 1 , enlisted flew 140 combat hours a month , none of this ever happen but sounded good on paper .
My Platoon Leader in VN was an 0-3 , 20 men in a aviation company Platoon including the 0-3 the Company CO was an 0-4 , 35 officers in my Company 5 commissioned the rest W=0's , Pilots flew 2 days then off 1 , enlisted flew 140 combat hours a month , none of this ever happen but sounded good on paper .

Sounds familiar...

They implemented a policy on my last combat deployment that if we were within 20 meters of an explosion we were supposed to have 24 hours of down time to see if anyone was suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury...This quickly became unfeasible as the deployment went on because my platoon was going out, BOOM, down 24 hours...go out, BOOM...down 24 hours...pretty soon, it became apparent that no one would be going out on patrol at this rate so we "modified" the standard...Basically, if anyone near an explosion was knocked unconscious, puked, or saw stars...then they would go down for 24 hours...It seemed to help a bit...but not much.

It blew my mind because I was literally blown out of a Humvee on my first deployment from an RPG, had my ear drums blown, took shrapnel all over my hip, body armor, and face, likely had a TBI, and injured my back when I hit the pavement going 25 MPH, (on top of being shot in the body armor by an AK)...I was put on radio watch for a few days and then sent back out...craziness...
The Military protocol on sustained combat was drawn up by people who really did not have a clue in the 1st Aviation Brigade which my unit was part of the Medical Staff had established the limits of what personal should be exposed to in a 30 day period and it really did sound about right but the key word I think was SHOULD and should was never going to happen ,