Other Nations and Our Presidency

Well It's going to be very interesting on Tuseday.. maybe Nader gonna winn anyway.. :-) thats going to be fun....
There's 2 ways to get ur self killed this election. Dont vote or vote undecided. Nadar isnt gonna win the third party never wins.
If he hadn't dropped out and then re-entered in 1992, Ross Perot would have almost definitely won the election. That's one 3rd party candidate that had a very solid chance.
I know that Nader doesn't have any chance at all, thank God for that. I just couldn't help myself there. :-)

I just hope that the election goeas well and that it's not going to be the same kind of scandal around the ballots (?) as the last time. I have a hard time understanding why you have to complicate the elction process that much. Why not one ballot for each candidate and the one that got the most votes wins? I don't see the point with all these electors (?)
Maybe it's a little bit of the topic but still..

Sir It will be a real thriller on Tuseday thats for sure, and I am really looking forward for this one - It is as exciting as SuperBowl. Who is this Nader fellow anyway? Do you have any link for the man? Im getting curious over here :)

Doc.S said:

Sir It will be a real thriller on Tuseday thats for sure, and I am really looking forward for this one - It is as exciting as SuperBowl. Who is this Nader fellow anyway? Do you have any link for the man? Im getting curious over here :)


Ralph Nader is a former consumer advisor who became famous in the seventies because he pioneered lawsuits against car companies. He could be charactized as an extreme lefty. The Democrats blamed him for the 2000 loss because they believed Nader ate away votes from Gore.

Personally I think that little will change even if Kerry wins the presidency. There's still a republican majority in both houses(?) and I bet there'll be a lot of filibustering. If I were american I'd probably vote for Kerry since I believe that a balanced budget would be in everybodys interest and I also agree with him on a lot of points on the environment.
I think thats flase since we dont know what John Kerry is like but theres a big vote for Hillery Clinton!!

Turn out in Ireland for American voters was down too.
Well, Bush has won, Now every nation in the world But the UK,Isreal, and Russia are mad ( I never thought I would use those three names in a list of people who support America)
Chirac says he wishes tonow begin repairing the FrancoAmerican friendship. Schroeder says he hopes to work with Bush to do what is best for both Americans and Germans. Either these two are being deceptive, they have realized that they cannot get Bush tossed out, or they are finally coming around.