Off Topic Fun with God and Flame...

Naw, the main thing is how their system worked. Ghengis Khan (before he was Ghengis Khan) was married. In the course of inter-tribal warfare, he became an outcast and his wife was captured in battle. In the Mongol tradition, that made her the other man's wife until she was captured by someone else. As it happened, the next person to capture her was Ghengis Khan, so she became his wife again. Mind you, that was his first wife, he had lots of them. The Mongols liked polygamy.
Thats kinda funny! I wonder if when he captured her back if he was like "Crap! Not HER again!" Maybe she was like "Crap, I just got away from that bastard!" It might be nice to rotate.. Maybe we should all try that!
What if your next partner in the rotation is Mr Damn Ugly himself. Remember, you don't get to choose. But hey, from a guy's perspective it'd be pretty cool as long as you kick ass and are the baddest tribe.
Yeah, what if you captured Phyllis Diller? Or Roseanne Barr? Don't think you'd be too happy then!

Yeah, if I was getting bandied about I would bring a kit with Listerine and dental floss, stuff like that....
Well, I'd have to imagine the undeveloped modern day Siberia would be a pretty lousy place to go shopping. Mongols weren't too big on women's rights either. Course I guess the women there were kinda tough and such. Torgrene was one of the evilest bitches in history.
Will she continue the convo though?

On the Mongols and women, I found this one website. Its kinda funny cuz it tries to make the Mongols all politically correct and sell them as a new age style culture. Kinda funny, I'll have to link it.
The website is painstakingly accurate and people and places, but it bills the Mongols as being some sort of women's lib culture. They were about as opposite to that as you could possibly get.

The making of the bows is also gone into with tedious detail. Interesting stuff, but there's a lot of crap to filter. One other detail that they miss (on purpose probably) is that the Mongols had 4 major religions: Indigenous Native Mongol, Muslim, Budhist and Nestorian Christian. All of those groups were somewhat equal in predominance. (I really need to dig my history books out of the storage shed so I can state my sources.) :lol:
Wow! Do you think if we go off topic again they will give us our own Forum?

I am thinking Mongols probably had a lot of halitosis and general hygiene issues -but if you stink and are alone in the forest - will you smell?

I am off to look at your site about Mongol life.

p.s. No good shopping, eh? No Gap or Banana Repub? I cannot conceive of living under such barbaric conditions! I guess they didn't have chocolate either...

UPDATE: Back from reading about Mongols. Oh God no! They ate dried Yak milk and the LIVERS from their enemies? Ew! Ew!

And they formed groups of 10, in a group of 100, in a group of 1000. If one of the group of 10 deserted, they would kill the other 9 to set an example. Thats not so nice!
Is it possible to go off topic?

Does a smelly Mongol in the middle of a forest stink, if he secretly likes his own odor? If it 90 below zero and we're living in a stupid felt tent, do I REALLY have to take a bath today?

Yeah, the Mongols were nutty. Still, is Yak milk so terrible? Ever try it. Me either, so I got no idea. Not too up for eating human livers despite any bonuses in nutrition.

On the upside, if you caught them at the right time, you'd get plunder from the sacking of Peking or Baghdad. Prolly some good stuff there. I guess plundering is like the ultimate 5 finger discount shopping spree. So in that sense, they had some high class shopping. Peking and Baghdad were the the richest cities in the world at the time, so I guess you'd do well there.
Mongols lived in felt tents. I don't think that's felt as we know it cuz that would make a really crappy tent. Some fabric that hold heat in extremely well I'm guessing.

Mongols means "all they who dwell in felt tents". The term was originated by Ghengis Khan when he lay claim to rulership over "all they who dwell in felt tents". Before that, it was just a bunch of tribes.

Now is it wrong of me to enjoy my own special odor?

I swear, you have a racial prejudice against Yaks!! Next thing ya know, there's yak hate crimes, and we're not having that.

You are welcome to make a necklace out of twine and horse teeth. That'd be stylin!