"But the 64 plan and the Hillary program are nothing like Obamacare. Both those platforms were built around a US Government program like you find in just about every other country in the world today. You know 'evil' socialism...:?
Obamacare isn't nationalized healthcare" Yes it is, it's just not the final step.
"which is a shame because it would be a
MUCH better program if it were)." We'll have to disagree
"was based directly off Romneycare that's simply a inescapable fact". Doesn't matter, it's still going in the wrong direction. Traditionally welfare & such has been done, if @ all, @ the State & local level. Not something the Fed. Govt. is supposed to be doing.
In the mean time Vermont passed Single Payer in '11 & had to abandon it, simply unaffordable.
"Obamacare merely gives money to poor people so that they can buy PRIVATE insurance and tightens up a few rules and loopholes." Not true, It arbitrarily set standards for policies. Large numbers of people had theirs cancelled because it didn't meet Obama's dreamed up requirements. People heard him talking about ending "Cadillac Plans" they assumed it was stuff only Bill Gates could afford but it turns out he meant really good policies are going away, mediocre care for everybody! Men now pay for coverage of female only things like PAP Smears & simular Gyn. stuff. Socialist redistribution of wealth through health care. I'm sure there are people who have coverage now that didn't, that's the vote buying part of it. If you want to read about how Obama really views health care find a copy of a book by Tom Dashiel (is from S.D & was either Speaker of the House or Senate Majority Leader) that he wrote, & published '05. In it he said the way to control health care costs was to throw senior citizens out the window when the bus is approaching. He was Obama's #1 choice for HHS Secretary when he was picking his 1st Cabinet.