new wargame ideas

You'd be the German on the MG-42... pish posh! rubbish! Think of our veterans who have died from that gun... :cry: I can understand where your coming from but that was a bold statement to make. We lost tons of soldiers on that day. Think about it.
diplomatic_means said:
Would the Norwegian laser tag simulator be able to simulate D-Day with the original tommy guns and german machine guns etc?

:D :D :D
You could theoretically put it on any handgun you want.
It's a small laser device you put on the weapon, and it can be configured to simulate (almost) any weapon..
We use it on the MP-5 (9mm), AG3 (7,62mm), MG3 (7,62mm), Sniper rifle (7,62mm), 12,7mm Browning, M72 AT, ERYX AT, Carl Gustav AT (84mm), and on Leopard 1, CV90/30, M113 etc....

Redneck said:
If you want pain, just get yourself some MILES gear and rig up a car battery on your back so everytime you get shot it sends a shock into your genitals.

:lol: I suggested something similar last week too...
We only get a voice on our vests that says if we are injured, killed, gassed etc...
Some real feedback would make it a bit more realistic.. :lol:
But it's a pretty clever system, if you are severly injured your wepon is shut down, if you are "wounded, laying", you get killed for cheating if you try to move, if you are gassed you must put on your gas mask in 10 secs or else you are killed, and a medic can threat you and prevent you from getting killed if you are injured...
What's supposed to be so "fun" about war? Sure, it's fun when you're a wee lad, running about shooting your mates with sticks and using rocks as grenades. But why such a hard on to "play" war? Reenacting is one thing, it serves a purpose - keeping history alive, and even playing a game of paintball/airsoft and shooting up your friends can be fun .. but people seem to be taking these "war games" ideas too far. War is not fun .. it's dirty, ugly and people die - often times horribly painful deaths.
I agree with you there RnderSafe..

"War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it. "
- Desiderius Erasmus

We have (almost) always played war in some way.
Cowboys and Indians, Paintball, computer games etc. etc.....

Making a potential dangerous thing "safe" can be a great "kick" for most of us.
Some examples here are skydiving, bungee jumping, diving with sharks etc....

I think it's ok as long as you're not glorifying war, but also think about "what if this was real life?.."

I must admit that I have had a lot of fun during exercises, especially during laser combat simulation, but we do ALWAYS focus on the question "what if this was real life", before, during and after "action".
Getting shot at is not fun (in real life)!

After my service abroad I have a completelly different view on war/conflict..
one quote that I think is very good:
"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity."
-General Dwight D. Eisenhower

I haven't been in real combat, but I have experienced and seen lots of terrorist attacks, Israelis vs. Terrorists, Israelis/Lebanese vs. Norwegians etc....
So; No, war isn't fun, but.....:
"It is well that war is so terrible, else we should grow too fond of it."
- General Robert E. Lee

Join the Army and go abroad if you want to play war, and you might get quite a different focus on it.
But it still can be a fun thing to "simulate", as long as you do it for the right reasons..
We have (almost) always played war in some way.
Cowboys and Indians, Paintball, computer games etc. etc.....

Making a potential dangerous thing "safe" can be a great "kick" for most of us.
Some examples here are skydiving, bungee jumping, diving with sharks etc....

I think it's ok as long as you're not glorifying war, but also think about "what if this was real life?.."

I agree, that's why I said we've all done it at some point .. and I see nothing at all wrong with reenactments .. or even paintball/airsoft matches. What bothers me are seeing 18 to 30 year old males .. of good health and viable age to sign the dotted line and actually serve their country, dressing up in BDUs, sewing SF, Rgr, et al patches on them and spending hundreds and even thousands of dollars on "realistic" equipment just to play "war games." Where does it stop? The idea of using real guns to play a game is .. simply mindboggling to me. These guys ARE glorifying war, and while they spend so much time trying to be "realistic" .. they don't seem to realise that in the real world, your mate Tom doesn't get back up after taking a hit. It is an insult to those young kids actually willing to buck up, and accept the real risks of war.

RnderSafe wrote:
These guys ARE glorifying war

RnderSafe, they are not...Theyre just playing around having a good time. The point isent war-its sports....I see nothing wrong with it...They know its not real....I think quite a few of those young kids played paintball before joining, and probably will after leaving the service...
Originally posted by Sherman:
RnderSafe, they are not...Theyre just playing around having a good time. The point isent war-its sports....I see nothing wrong with it...They know its not real....I think quite a few of those young kids played paintball before joining, and probably will after leaving the service...

Exactly! I know people don't get back up from real war. Games however they do which is what makes it fun. War would be great fun if people didn't get injured and die. That's why we have war games. In war you have a group of people with so much passion and love for their country, family, religion, and brothers in arms that they go to every extent possible to insure that they are allowed to keep themselves and their ideas as they are. War is the only event that can stir up such things. This is exactly why patton said what he said in the quote in my sig. the better we can resemble such a thing without the consequences the more fun it becomes. I may have never been able to fight in WW2 or any other skirmish for that fact but if I can ever be so lucky to have even the slightest idea as to what was going through those honorable mens minds then I will be completely satisfied. Antoher great things about war games is that you can always find out just how good certain tactics work in certain situations. My friends play Enemy territory and Halo almost non stop for the thrill that the battle never ends the same way twice. that's what's great about wargames.
Antoher great things about war games is that you can always find out just how good certain tactics work in certain situations. My friends play Enemy territory and Halo almost non stop for the thrill that the battle never ends the same way twice. that's what's great about wargames.


I may have never been able to fight in WW2 or any other skirmish for that fact but if I can ever be so lucky to have even the slightest idea as to what was going through those honorable mens minds then I will be completely satisfied.

Do you honestly believe that a game, playing with your buddies, playing on your XBOX will give you even an inkling of what it feels like in combat? I sincerely hope not.

If you want to be big boys, then play like them .. put the toys down and enlist.

....I think quite a few of those young kids played paintball before joining, and probably will after leaving the service...

And Sherman, if you would go back and read my post, you would see 18 to 30 year olds are my main target. Not 17 year olds, or even 15 year olds.

As I said, glorifying war .. playing armchair commandos, hiding from doing their duty, and pretending a few hours in their back yard, with an airsoft rifle makes them some expert. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.
Originally posted by Sherman:
Antoher great things about war games is that you can always find out just how good certain tactics work in certain situations.

In airsoft that happens with us...we say lets charge that building while doing this.....then when we get up there and get slaughtered we know not to do that...

For me airsofting, I get a bit of reality of how real war is...NOt that im saying since i airsoft i know what real war is...But after a game or a mach and i was shot i also think "What if this was real life???" and i think i would have been dead....
Hey now

I know quite a few real SF man who like playing paintball...Im sure Diplomatic Means isent one to run away from duty(even if he is insane, i mean for pits sake, those 0.22s can kill.... ;) ). I know i wouldent run away from duty....
Originally posted by RnderSafe:
And Sherman, if you would go back and read my post, you would see 18 to 30 year olds are my main target. Not 17 year olds, or even 15 year olds.

I am 18 buddy. trust me when I say this I would love nothing more than the honor and privilege to serve my country in the armed forces. But I know that i have another "calling" in life. Until then the best I can get is war games. I don't expect to know what is going through real soldiers minds from playing my games but anything is better than nothing and currently I have nothing. :(
(Batman Theme Tune) Duna nunna nunna nunna nunna nunna nunna nunna SWAT TEAM!

Join the SWAT team perhaps lol. :rambo:
I am 18 buddy.

Buddy? :lol:

trust me when I say this I would love nothing more than the honor and privilege to serve my country in the armed forces. But I know that i have another "calling" in life.

Short of health/physical issues, this is an excuse. Many people who would love nothing more than to serve their country, and mean it, go out and do it. If you have another calling in life, that's fine .. and in no means are you any less valuable to your country by answering it. But don't use it as an excuse, you only cheapen your "calling" and your desire to serve your country through military service one day. We make choices, sometimes those choices seem to have been made for us .. but ultimately, we make them.

As I said before, going out, getting together with some mates, and shooting the shite out of each other with little plastic balls (always wear eye protection kids) and paint balls can be fun .. but spending hundreds and thousands of dollars to dress up and play war is ridiculous. Even worse than that, are the groups that spend countless dollars and hours putting together "realistic" kit so they can transform themselves into Navy SEALs, SF, Rangers .. those are the ones that truly make me ill.

And Diplomatic, if you think I'm targeting you, you're wrong .. I don't know to what extend you're involvement is with the games, you have stated, and I haven't assumed. My statements were painted with a broad stroke.
u guys r gettin a little :offtopic: . Back to the war games idea, currentlly we are using lasers, airsofts, and paintball guns. About a decade from now, we're gonna train/play in vertual reality.

Just a hobby...No need to get ill...And I think their nuts for spending a lot of money, but, like a few hundred dollars isent horrible...
Just a hobby...No need to get ill

No, it isn't a hobby, it is a lifestyle for some of us. Men have bled for those pieces of cloth .. they're quite important to those of us that have earned them.

But, nonetheless, it can't be explained and understood by those that haven't been there. Perhaps one day.
You know, the Brits use lipstick rounds for training (or they used them on the show "SAS: Are You Tough Enough?" :lol: ), so you can use your own service rifle to fire paintball-like rounds that are more accurate and have more range (no numbers on this, it is all drawn from observation on the TV show).
Must be a pain in the butt to clean those weapons after running lipstick down the barrell all day.