I think...

I think its retarded. I mean blue camo come on, and the boots, blue suede. i mean are they f:cen:ing to hide in case another plane flies upside down on top of their cockpit maybe theyll think theres just a whole in the plane come on man who thinks of this stuff
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I read the other day that they are wanting to have all of the AF in the new blues by the beginning of next year. Good stuff I tell you...Not!
It's supposedly made out of the same stuff that the Marines uniforms are...the wash and wear material. That's the only plus I see.

As for the flags on the Army's uniforms...They've been wearing them over here on the DCU's and they really don't look that bad. It's not THAT could be worse, right?
It's that green tape that the Army uses that looks like duct tape. The perfect accessory to any uniform. :lol: (actually I do have some on my Class A's, doing that little high speed safety pin thing to keep the buttons up and down)
It's supposed to be able to withstand speeds of up to 100 mph. And no, I have no idea how they figured that one out or what the test weight is. :lol:
Mark Conley said:

this is one of the definitive sites for military uses of 100 MPH tape...enjoy. :D

:lol: That's great Mark. Back in high school we had sme crazy kid who made his suit for Prom out of duct tape, including a tie, hat, and wallet. He was one of the "special" kids though. :lol:
Wow, that takes talent. I've never to date met a special kid who would have that kind of skill, and I've met quite a few special kids (its thw eather down here ;) )

But now we're off-topic aren't we?

What exactly is the reason of a blue camoflague uniform??
ok I am former AF but in the army and the first time I saw the "NEW" AF BDU I cracked up laughing even with the Security forces beret it still looked Stupid but hey it ain't like the army is doing any better . I swear what is the upper echelon of our military thinking. I mean they gave everyone black berets,made the AF look corporate in full service dress, changed the BDU's , and now they are going to change the army Class A's. Was I the only one taught if it ain't broke don't fix it.
FutureRANGER said:
What exactly is the reason of a blue camoflague uniform??
Well, I hope they tested it and found out it worked better than the "old" pattern and colours... I don't get why people are getting worked up about how it looks, I'd think its about whether it works or not... :?
Well, I hope they tested it and found out it worked better than the "old" pattern and colours... I don't get why people are getting worked up about how it looks, I'd think its about whether it works or not...

Seen any blue trees and sand lately? :D
sherman105 said:
Well, I hope they tested it and found out it worked better than the "old" pattern and colours... I don't get why people are getting worked up about how it looks, I'd think its about whether it works or not...

Seen any blue trees and sand lately? :D
Actually yes, but that's beside the point. (It involved some teenagers and cannisters of spray paint :D )

What I mean is that camouflage isn't just about using the same colours as the surroundings. Ever wondered how zebra's benefit from their black and white striping?
I hope they tested the new pattern, and it works! If it doesn't work then the guys responsible should be ritually fired.... to the moon without a spaceship.... ;)