New Study Shows Link Between Liberalism, Atheism to Higher IQ

I'm curious as to how you can say that the article does not prove anything... Do you think Elizabeth Landau is lying? Do you think she is fabricating the results Dr. Kanazawa arrived at?

She is SUMMARIZING the article. She is not making up her own story.

Elizabeth Landau wrote the article, she is not SUMMARIZING the article.
She is SUMMARIZING the study.

The article explains about the study, it does not even try to suggest whether the study is true. The very first sentence in the article is:

"(CNN) -- Political, religious and sexual behaviors may be reflections of intelligence, a new study finds."

The article never tries to prove anything.

Your statement in the very first post on this thread is that the study is true. Having never read the study yourself how can you make such a statement? Where are your facts?

If you actually read the article yourself you might learn that Dr. Kanazawa does not say the study proves his hypothesis. It only support it.

Many responders on this topic have conveniently ignored this statement:
"and the data should not be used to stereotype or make assumptions about people, experts say."

The above statement being deep in the article indicates posters such as MontyB did not read the article as they have made stereotypical assumptions.

Quote MontyB;
"Which is exactly why "conservative" is seen as backward, change is ok as long as it follows an accepted path and that is not "open minded"."

Rob we have seen you take a satirical interview of George Bush from Rolling Stone magazine and actually quote from it as true. Your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.

It is fascinating how people on this forum make statements as true, with out verifiable sources. Then, if they are questioned they get silly defensively and demand the questioner go look it up.
The above statement being deep in the article indicates posters such as MontyB did not read the article as they have made stereotypical assumptions.

Quote MontyB;
"Which is exactly why "conservative" is seen as backward, change is ok as long as it follows an accepted path and that is not "open minded"."

I didn't read the article but then again I was posting in relation to Georges comments and it had no direct relation to the article or the thread in general, context is a wonderful thing.
Which is exactly why "conservative" is seen as backward, change is ok as long as it follows an accepted path and that is not "open minded".

It has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with the process of thinking, until you can look at an idea for its purpose and disregard the messenger you are not really opening yourself up to learning and progress.
Oh? And Liberals accept changes proposed by Conservatives with enthusiasm because their Libs? Libs seem to reject the "Fair Tax" out of hand, is it because they don't understand it, or because it would massivly reduce the power of politicians & Govt to manipulate the economy?If Libs are soooo open minded to change why did they fight Reagan's plans, Bush 1's plans, Bush 2's plans?
Oh? And Liberals accept changes proposed by Conservatives with enthusiasm because their Libs? Libs seem to reject the "Fair Tax" out of hand, is it because they don't understand it, or because it would massivly reduce the power of politicians & Govt to manipulate the economy?If Libs are soooo open minded to change why did they fight Reagan's plans, Bush 1's plans, Bush 2's plans?
Because of your very own statement... Not all change is good change. ;)

Elizabeth Landau wrote the article, she is not SUMMARIZING the article.
She is SUMMARIZING the study.
A scientific publication can be referred to as an article, study, experiment, etc. ESPECIALLY since it's being published in Social Psychology Quarterly. That would make the study itself an article as well.
The article explains about the study, it does not even try to suggest whether the study is true. The very first sentence in the article is:

"(CNN) -- Political, religious and sexual behaviors may be reflections of intelligence, a new study finds."
Chukpike, when things break in the news, the media often has to be extremely careful as to what they can and cannot say. For example, even though everyone KNEW the UAH shooter was Dr. Bishop, the media still had to refer to her as the "alleged" shooter, for legal purposes. When a writer says "may," it is simply "one of those things" the media has to do.

The article never tries to prove anything.

Your statement in the very first post on this thread is that the study is true. Having never read the study yourself how can you make such a statement? Where are your facts?

If you actually read the article yourself you might learn that Dr. Kanazawa does not say the study proves his hypothesis. It only support it.
Again, I'm not sure if you think Elizabeth Landau is making up the original study, or if you think Dr. Kanazawa is some quack who shouldn't be taken seriously, but (and since you read the article, you know this)"Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa at the the London School of Economics and Political Science correlated data on these behaviors with IQ from a large national U.S. sample and found that, on average, people who identified as liberal and atheist had higher IQs."

That is the second sentence of the article. I'm not sure how that could be manipulated into an untrue statement. Please tell me how that is not a "fact." (On second thought, don't bother, because I know the only reason it's not a "fact" is because it makes me smarter than you. ;) )
Many responders on this topic have conveniently ignored this statement:
"and the data should not be used to stereotype or make assumptions about people, experts say."

The above statement being deep in the article indicates posters such as MontyB did not read the article as they have made stereotypical assumptions.

Quote MontyB;
"Which is exactly why "conservative" is seen as backward, change is ok as long as it follows an accepted path and that is not "open minded"."
So, the caption under the photograph is "deep in the article"? *chuckle* Shows how much we read, doesn't it?

Rob we have seen you take a satirical interview of George Bush from Rolling Stone magazine and actually quote from it as true. Your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.
Yes, that's right. Draw the attention away from the f**k ups you've made and put the spotlight on the person who brought them up. Hahaha. Hey, everybody, let's look at how Chukpike thought "male exclusivity" meant "homosexuality"! Ha. Ha. Ha.
It is fascinating how people on this forum make statements as true, with out verifiable sources. Then, if they are questioned they get silly defensively and demand the questioner go look it up.
Verifiable sources? The article summarizes the data... She cannot simply make up her own story, so there has to be truth to the article.
Typical Chupike.
Well played Henderson.

BTW Chupike, still waiting on that source that suggests the researcher is a homosexual.
Typical Chupike.
Well played Henderson.

BTW Chupike, still waiting on that source that suggests the researcher is a homosexual.

My take, also: Mr. Chupike seems to be nit-picking instead of discussing the substance (carried away but whatever sentiments that impede sober analysis?).

I do not think anyone reading this thread confused the "article" with the "study", nor the authors, the only opinion Mr. C is offering is that the article did not "intend to" (tries to) prove anything (and that is an opinion, not baased on anything else, fine with me...), though I guess the casual reader will read some sense into it (the article summarizing the study).

Not saying the study is correct (you would have to evaluate whom they asked and how to opinate), just that a reply like of Mr. C is not fact based at all, off topic, and as such has to been seen as pure demagogic, the reasons of that I won´t speculate on in the open. If he was serious, Mr. C. would discuss the base of the article or the article itself in relation to the (yet unknown to us IMF internauts) study.

I am getting a bit tired of having to read through this unsubstantial comment stuff that always includes the same attacker and the same attacked as of lately.

My 2c,

A scientific publication can be referred to as an article, study, experiment, etc. ESPECIALLY since it's being published in Social Psychology Quarterly. That would make the study itself an article as well.
It will be an article when it is published.
And I am supposed to be nit picking?

Chukpike, when things break in the news, the media often has to be extremely careful as to what they can and cannot say. For example, even though everyone KNEW the UAH shooter was Dr. Bishop, the media still had to refer to her as the "alleged" shooter, for legal purposes. When a writer says "may," it is simply "one of those things" the media has to do.

To funny! Rob stating how careful the media is in their reporting.:lol:
Sounds like something out of the old Art Linkletter show "Kids say the darnedest things".

Again, I'm not sure if you think Elizabeth Landau is making up the original study, or if you think Dr. Kanazawa is some quack who shouldn't be taken seriously, but (and since you read the article, you know this)"Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa at the the London School of Economics and Political Science correlated data on these behaviors with IQ from a large national U.S. sample and found that, on average, people who identified as liberal and atheist had higher IQs."
Not calling into question what she wrote about a study that is soon to be published, sense she makes no attempt to verify the study is true. She is only SUMMARIZING the study.

It is obvious you are only trying to coverup your own failure to comprehend the article, just like the Rolling Stone article.:p

That is the second sentence of the article. I'm not sure how that could be manipulated into an untrue statement. Please tell me how that is not a "fact." (On second thought, don't bother, because I know the only reason it's not a "fact" is because it makes me smarter than you. ;) )
So, the caption under the photograph is "deep in the article"? *chuckle* Shows how much we read, doesn't it?

Yes, that's right. Draw the attention away from the f**k ups you've made and put the spotlight on the person who brought them up. Hahaha. Hey, everybody, let's look at how Chukpike thought "male exclusivity" meant "homosexuality"! Ha. Ha. Ha.
Verifiable sources? The article summarizes the data... She cannot simply make up her own story, so there has to be truth to the article.

Truth to the the article, yes.
Elizabeth Landau wrote an article about a study. The article is there to read.

Your logic is:
1. An article is written about a study.
2. Therefore the study has to be true?

Where is the study? Where are your verifiable facts supporting the study? We get to accept it as true because Rob says so?:shoothea:
And still waiting for Chupike to comment on the (granted: *supposed*) content of the study as reported by Mrs. Landau to make clear what he thinks in this respect... ?

I didn't read the article but then again I was posting in relation to Georges comments and it had no direct relation to the article or the thread in general, context is a wonderful thing.
Great, didn't read the article but posted a :offtopic:response anyway. Just wanted to stop by and label people. :confused:

And still waiting for Chupike to comment on the (granted: *supposed*) content of the study as reported by Mrs. Landau to make clear what he thinks in this respect... ?


Didn't read the article did you? I can't very well form an opinion on a study that has not been released yet. :read:
I am not Rob, I am no longer a 19 year old "no it all".:lol:

If and when something substantive is posted on the article I may respond.

Doubt I will respond to this topic any further as it has gone two pages with out people addressing what they think is the topic.

Why? There is nothing to base an opinion either way on.
Hmmm. Interesting "debate".

Rob, I think you have seem to have play this out fairly well, but now I have some questions that have not been asked yet.

1. How does this study affect ANY of us here?

2. Are we somehow for some reason expected to change ourselves to suit a study?

3. Why is it that homosexuality always finds a way into your debates?

4. If Chuk is trying to bait you, what do you call this thread?
It will be an article when it is published.
And I am supposed to be nit picking?
Semantics. Everyone else seemed to grasp the concept.

To funny! Rob stating how careful the media is in their reporting.:lol:
Sounds like something out of the old Art Linkletter show "Kids say the darnedest things".
When it comes to legality, the media is VERY careful.

Not calling into question what she wrote about a study that is soon to be published, sense she makes no attempt to verify the study is true. She is only SUMMARIZING the study.
Sense? I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. Please clarify.

It is obvious you are only trying to coverup your own failure to comprehend the article, just like the Rolling Stone article.:p
Personal attacks already? Why, Chukpike, you shouldn't have! I feel right back at home! :D

Truth to the the article, yes.
Elizabeth Landau wrote an article about a study. The article is there to read.

Your logic is:
1. An article is written about a study.
2. Therefore the study has to be true?

Where is the study? Where are your verifiable facts supporting the study? We get to accept it as true because Rob says so?:shoothea:
The writer of the article cannot LIE about the study. She cannot MAKE UP something and say it was in the study. If the study says "Based on the data gathered, liberals are smarter than conservatives", then it must be true. People cannot publish blatant lies. Granted, there may be some subjectivity to the data itself, but the fact itself must hold SOME water, else it would not be published.

Didn't read the article did you? I can't very well form an opinion on a study that has not been released yet. :read:
I am not Rob, I am no longer a 19 year old "no it all".:lol:
What is a "no it all"? I don't understand. Please clarify.
If and when something substantive is posted on the article I may respond.

Doubt I will respond to this topic any further as it has gone two pages with out people addressing what they think is the topic.

Why? There is nothing to base an opinion either way on.
So, Chukpike, I don't know what my own topic is? That's definitely a ROFL moment. Someone who thinks he knows me better than I do. That's RICH!

Hmmm. Interesting "debate".

Rob, I think you have seem to have play this out fairly well, but now I have some questions that have not been asked yet.

1. How does this study affect ANY of us here?
Thanks, Hmmm. I appreciate it. I welcome your questions.

1. Well, seeing as how almost all of us here are either conservative or liberal, atheist or religious, and male or female, I think it affects almost everyone on this board to some degree.
2. Are we somehow for some reason expected to change ourselves to suit a study?
Absolutely not. Simply posting the facts.

3. Why is it that homosexuality always finds a way into your debates?
If you'll notice, Chukpike was the one who incorrectly inferred homosexuality in this debate. The term the study uses is "male exclusivity" which simply means a male who chooses to be monogamous. It does NOT mean homosexual.
4. If Chuk is trying to bait you, what do you call this thread?
I call this thread a post about a study. A study of political spectrum affecting IQ. I don't mean to bait.
I know this is a crazy idea but rather than getting involved in these repetitive and somewhat pointless back and forth battles has anyone considered just letting it go and only responding to genuine replies?
He'd just find something else to say.

It doesn't matter no one wants to read 30 pages of "No you are" responses.

This forum is struggling to get any movement now it will die completely if all people have to read is inane responses to inane questions, if Chukpike is only interested in sources then you have a choice:
a) Find them.
b) say you don't have them.
The end.

The next bit is just a personal observation:

This board is not rocket science and nothing we say here will change the world or even lance a boil on its arse so for the sake of your own sanity just let some things go.

And Chuk mate, sometimes the sky is blue and s**t happens and you don't need a source to tell you that so for the love of whatever deity you want to believe in please stop being so pedantic.

This is where I bow out of this thread (unless of course there is something worth responding to).
3. Why is it that homosexuality always finds a way into your debates?

Hahahahaha....I'm sorry, but this is FUNNY. :D

...however, just because an article doesn't effect us doesn't mean it's no good to debate over. +1 for the article even though I think it's wrong.
It doesn't matter no one wants to read 30 pages of "No you are" responses.

This forum is struggling to get any movement now it will die completely if all people have to read is inane responses to inane questions, if Chukpike is only interested in sources then you have a choice:
a) Find them.
b) say you don't have them.
The end.

The next bit is just a personal observation:

This board is not rocket science and nothing we say here will change the world or even lance a boil on its arse so for the sake of your own sanity just let some things go.

And Chuk mate, sometimes the sky is blue and s**t happens and you don't need a source to tell you that so for the love of whatever deity you want to believe in please stop being so pedantic.

This is where I bow out of this thread (unless of course there is something worth responding to).

Its the old maxim: DONT FEED THE TROLLS.

A member should not be required to provide sources when he knows that the person asking for them plans to use them in bad faith. Chukpike has a long history of doing this (both to Henderson and others) so I feel that members be under no obligation to oblige him or even acknowledge him. I certainaly don't. The IGNORE list is such a wonderful feature.
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The unfortunate thing is, I already posted a source. The article summarizing the study cannot present the article in a false manner. It's like when a news network reports on a bill. They present the basic ideas of the bill without using all the legal jargon IN the bill.

This article may not BE the study, but it gives the basic IDEAS of the study.