Never Forget, I will never Forget

It was around 3 pm here, and I was taking a nap.
Dad came to wake me up and said something terrible was going on in the States. I rushed to the kitchen and saw that on the screen... couldnt believe what I was seeing.
First thing I said to my mother and father was: " We are at war ". And they said: " Yes we are ". I'm still so proud we said WE. I still believe we were all attacked. My love for America, for our society grew deeper.
We all have changed.

Can still feel shivers running down my spine.
damn the media :evil: the yjust kept on showing those planes and showing them, and every time a casualty was confirmed they turned it into a sensation until they had thouroly numbed my mind to the events, it still seems so unreal :cry: 5000 innocent people killed withen minutes :cry: :cry:
Was in Denmark on 2 year contract....

I remember this day well....2000 to 2002 I was in my office and one of my Danish Colleague runs into my office saying that something has happened in NY. I thought, "an accident" and went to the gym. After the gym, stopped by my favorite pub and was startled by watching the first tower fall while eating dinner. I will never forget, especially since on of my life long friends had just left Logan Airport returning from duty in Saudi....thought of the worst when watching the tube. It was interesting watching the reactions of the europeans. Some were truly sorry, Danes actually like Americans, others were their normal selves. I will never forget and I remind my colleagues in the EU all the time since I still travel at least once per month to the EU.

Semper Fi.........
I remember where I was I was just getting out of the shower after PT and getting ready for duty when my fiancee screamed and not even a day after that they had me going for training for airport duty. man I wont ever forget that day.
I was working at a library.

It was my day to go in at 11:00.

So that morning I turned the television on. At first I thought it was old footage I was watching, though..... Then I realized what was happening.
Anyway, that day at the library was the only day where we had the radio on all day....... probably less than ten people showed up that day. And the men only showed up to make sure we were okay and had an evacuation plan (since it was a government owned building, people were concerned)
I had worked late the night before, so I was still sleeping heavily when the sound of my phone woke me up. My mother was calling, and she sounded bad, like someone had died. All she could say was that I needed to turn on the TV, bad things were happening. For the next two hours, I just sat and watched the coverage. At one point, I called my unit HQ, asking if I was needed (I was in a public affairs unit at the time - we got lots of calls from local news outlets asking about security, and how Missouri Guard soldiers would be affected by all of this, etc). All I could do was watch, and wait for the rest of the world to come crashing down around my ears. I was absolutely horrified.

Five months later, to the day, I got the call to do my part in putting an end to these ridiculous terrorist groups.

I will never forget what happened that day - the images, the stories, will always be remembered.
I was actually in my JROTC class. SMaj was giving a class on interior guard when the Major yelled for him to come quick and look at the computer. When the SMaj came out, I swear he was 10 years older. He said these exact words, "The reason why the Major called me in his office was because the World Trade Center was just hit by an aircraft." He turned on the TV just in time to see the second plane hit. So that's where I was.

...So where WERE you all?