Most impressive army during the middle ages?

which one was the most impressive?

  • English longbow men

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spanish conquistadors

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • French knights

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mongol saddle shooters

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Japanese samurais

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Egyptian Mamluks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Turkish janissaries

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Swiss pikemen

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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my group is still cuter than yours!

an impressive army would be one that deters any type of aggression while keeping itself from using its forces for anything other than defense and so on. So my vote would be the armies that werent attacked and still yet never made an aggressive move. Im a big fan of chivalric knights so I'd go with the French Knights from your list I suppose :)
The french knights were one of the most well trained fighting units in the medieval world. What's amazing about them is that they were trained in all aspects; reading and writing, forien language, arethmatic, dancing religion etiquette ect... As a whole they are the most talented fighting forces in the world at the time.
I say the Samurai. They fought with the same codes as European knights, but with considerably more viscious tactics and a good deal more passion. Not to mention the fact that they had much cooler looking headdresses.
Well, your talking about 3 different periods here; Dark ages, Middle ages and Renaissance.

Dark ages: 500AD - 1000AD
Middle Ages: 1000AD - 1450AD
Renaissannce: 1450AD - 1600AD

Dark ages, I'm not sure, The Mamalukes possibly they almost conquered Europe, had it not been for the Franks.

Middle Ages: The Mongols conquered the whole of Asia, and part of Europe. no mean feat, they were second to none at any form of Cavalry.

Renaissance: The Samurai were at their peak, although they were constantly at war, Spain dominated Europe at this time, so maybe Conquistadors.
Japanese Samurais.

One attack, one kill.

VERY lethal in swordfight (Katanas)
and VERY lethal with Japanese Longbows too.

Other than that I would say the Roman Legion. (I know..)
No props for Alexander's companion cavalry, he almost conquered Europe and Asia!! And the French knights were way to pompous, their over-eagerness to charge cost them the major battles of the 100 years war.
The French Knights were not well ordered or trained, they were nobles gathered together for battle not a homgenous fighting unit. Their bravado led to their destruction at Crecy. And They were again destroyed by the Longbow at Agincourt...

Gimme the longbowmen anyday....
Well if this is the middle Ages, then it would probably have to be the Golden Horde. Mostly for its organizational skills during battle, great idea using whistling arrows to signal different formations, as well as wearing silk under their armor to stop arrows from penetrating their body. Another great idea was the use of their pony express, which significantly improved their communacation. The kahns were certainly not barbarains, but a higly mobile and elite force. They were born riding a horse, and with a bow in their hand, and that's what they did best. I cannot say they had the best infantry, as their soldiers weren't higly trained for that, but they had the flexibility to crush almost any army. As for their bows, the horse riders would carry two bows, one for a long range, one for a shorter. I have to say that the longbow was ill in comparison to a mongolian composite bow. A mongolian bow could out range a longbow easily. The design of the composite bow was small for horse riding, and very thick, made out of layers of bone and sinew from animals. These people were riding horses and making bows before the english were hanging by their tales in the trees
I don't care what age it is that you're talking about, my money is gonna be on the Scots!! Whether it be with the Claymore, the musket, rifle, or the bayonet, never bet against the boys from the Highlands! :rambo:

And about the "English Highlanders" no such thing - they were just traitorous Scots!! :twisted: :twisted:
Hmmm, looks like a few of my posts were deleted, including the one in this thread. Something to do with the crash?

Oh well, lemme readd my 2 cents. The question is "what was the most impressive ARMY during the middle ages", and though I can certainly admire the Samurai as a warrior, the armies of Japan never did ANYTHING very amazing. In fact, for the most part, they are "The Empire of Japan" only in name until they adopted modern technology.

The armies that stunned the world in the Middle Ages: The English for onesided victories, the Normans were certainly dominant for a time, the Ottoman Turks ought not to be overlooked, the Arabic armies shortly following Mohammed were certainly impressive.

Then we have the Mongols. Nobody came close to shocking and terrifying all the world around them quite like the Mongols. In NUMEROUS cases, they went in heavily outnumbered and won with barely any losses on their side. They had the most effective bow ... probably ever. They could move their whole armies at about 8 times the speed of any other army of the era. The two greatest cities at 1200 AD were probably Bagdad and Peking. They took and pretty much destroyed both. The also destroyed Kiev, Buda and Pest, and numerous other noteworthy cities. Nobody ever really stopped them barring the jungle terrain of Indochina and the fortuitous Typhoons that saved Japan. Their everyday tactics were brilliant and their proficiency in battle was astounding.

So yeah, my vote goes to the men in funny looking hats with goofy looking horses.
Middle ages: Mongols, probably.
French cavalry was really disorganized and not effective.
English "Longbowers": Somehow overestimated.
Spanish conquistadors. Sorry, they are not middle ages. At that time there wasn't even a Spain around.

I would put my bet on the mongols at that time.
Although, once the issue is Middle ages, one might consider the Crusades. After all, they managed to conquer Jerusalem. Although it was lost later on.

English Highlanders
That's kinda funny because Highlanders are from the Highlands in Scotland. The Highlands are as far from England that you can possibly get without leaving the main island.

:P :firedevi: :firedevi: Silly people.