Missing Iranian scientist appears at embassy in US

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Except for your first sentence, your points are pretty much dead on the money.
The image of America that many people abroad have is simply unrealistic and is a fantasy that no longer exists. There are many things to consider when moving abroad:
- Legal rights (right to work etc)
- Language barrier
- Cultural conflict
It used to be that the quality of life in America was so much better than life where they came from (where usually poverty, malnutrition, disease and even war were commonplace) that it was worth going through all those hurdles hoping that their children would have a better future.

In the present, unless you are a poor person from a poor country, the advantages between living in the US as opposed to your home country are not as pronounced. This is why the obstacles involved in living in America become a much bigger factor.

Also there are increasingly more things that the US is starting to lag behind. For those who know, the incentive of moving here is not that great. In case you haven't noticed, last year was the first year that the H1B quota was not filled. More and more people are simply not bothering with settling into America.

I guess I am missing what you are trying to say?

It seems you had moved to a country (South Korea) where the quality of life is comparable to the US, but you still came back to the US. Seems your actions contradict your statements?

However, this news is slow to spread and most folks in their own country who have never been to the US don't know that things aren't like they were 20 or 30 years ago.

With the advent of the Internet the news should not be that slow.

You're right Chukpike, if they knew, less people would come.
The only problem is, the desperately poor in the desperately poor countries will still try to enter.

If we could give all the poor people around the world free tickets to see the Twilight Saga, The Eclipse and show them all the Werewolf's and Vampires maybe they would not want to immigrate?
Answers are in bold.

I guess I am missing what you are trying to say?

It seems you had moved to a country (South Korea) where the quality of life is comparable to the US, but you still came back to the US. Seems your actions contradict your statements?

Your assumption is that quality of life is the reason why I am here. Quality of life is not the only motivator in life. You of all people should know that.
The quality of life in South Korea for me anyways was better than the US by actually a significant margin. But I've not made much choices in life based on what is more comfortable.

With the advent of the Internet the news should not be that slow.

The information is there. Whether people choose to believe it or not is another. There are enough anti-American elements the world over spreading lies about America so it's hard to tell what criticisms are actually valid and which are simply fiction. Information vs misinformation. Very hard to sort out which is which, especially if you have never been here.

If we could give all the poor people around the world free tickets to see the Twilight Saga, The Eclipse and show them all the Werewolf's and Vampires maybe they would not want to immigrate?

Although they are poor, they are not that stupid.
I have a question, Chukpike. . . Have you ever lived outside of the United States? Not on a base, but actually LIVED in another country? Because if you haven't, I'd like to see some sources, seeing as ACoM has first hand knowledge of the situation.
I have a question, Chukpike. . . Have you ever lived outside of the United States? Not on a base, but actually LIVED in another country? Because if you haven't, I'd like to see some sources, seeing as ACoM has first hand knowledge of the situation.

He has first hand knowledge of what?

He claims to know what life is like in poor improvished countries. Which poor improvised country has he lived in?

I guess you are asking ACoM for sources?

What remarks have I made that need to be supported with sources?

I have traveled extensively and you do not have to live in a country to see the conditions the population of a country live in.

You don't even have to go to a country to see the conditions that people live in. I don't think you have ever visited Haiti, but you probably have some idea of the conditions people live in there.
He has first hand knowledge of what?

He claims to know what life is like in poor improvished countries. Which poor improvised country has he lived in?

I guess you are asking ACoM for sources?

What remarks have I made that need to be supported with sources?

I have traveled extensively and you do not have to live in a country to see the conditions the population of a country live in.

You don't even have to go to a country to see the conditions that people live in. I don't think you have ever visited Haiti, but you probably have some idea of the conditions people live in there.
First hand knowledge of living in a country not as advantaged as the United States. I'm not sure which countries were improvised, but I'm sure he could tell you better than I. LOLZ

No, you don't need to live there to know the conditions, but you DO need to live there to know the people. To learn their views on things, to learn their CULTURE.

You claim to know what life is like in poor, impoverished countries better than he does, or is that not what you're arguing?
You claim to know what life is like in poor, impoverished countries better than he does, or is that not what you're arguing?

Where did I claim that?

I have traveled through out the Pacific Northwest many times. So is it OK if I tell everyone of my first hand encounters with Werewolves and Vampires?:lol:
I have a question, Chukpike. . . Have you ever lived outside of the United States? Not on a base, but actually LIVED in another country? Because if you haven't, I'd like to see some sources, seeing as ACoM has first hand knowledge of the situation.

Exactly, one has to have a wider perspective before arriving at a decision.

If part of an underclass I guess your prospects and quality of life would be far better in Scandanavia or even the UK. Would any country offer good community spirit and low crime rates? These are essential components of the good life.

In material terms alone, perhaps the US would be better on average; but hang on, what about the business prospects in India and China for such people with their massive growth rates?
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Where did I claim that?

I have traveled through out the Pacific Northwest many times. So is it OK if I tell everyone of my first hand encounters with Werewolves and Vampires?:lol:
If that's not what you're trying to say, there wouldn't be an argument. You're trying to say that you know what life is like in poor, 3rd world countries better than ACoM, because if you weren't, you wouldn't be saying anything at all. Because that's what HE'S saying.

As for your obsession with Robert Pattinson, (or is it Taylor Lautner, are you team Edward or team Jacob, Chuk?) I think it'd be best if we kept horribly written fiction out of this. No matter how real YOU think it is. :roll:
Exactly, one has to have a wider perspective before arriving at a decision.

If part of an underclass I guess your prospects and quality of life would be far better in Scandanavia or even the UK. Would any country offer good community spirit and low crime rates? These are essential components of the good life.

In material terms alone, perhaps the US would be better on average; but hang on, what about the business prospects in India and China for such people with their massive growth rates?

"If part of an underclass I guess your prospects and quality of life would be far better in Scandanavia or even the UK." quote persesus

Not necessarily if you are Muslim. Seems the trend in Europe is to restrict Muslim dress.

"LA VERRIERE, France | The man she married is French, her four children were born in France and she speaks French with only a trace of her native Arabic tongue. Faiza Silmi contends her clothes — a head-to-toe robe and filmy tissue covering her face — are the reason France has denied her citizenship in her adopted land.
The 32-year-old Moroccan may soon be facing an even fiercer blow. A top French lawmaker submitted a draft law last week that would ban such Islamic dress anywhere in public, a measure that would set a European precedent and trap thousands of women between their religious convictions and the law of the land."

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jan/18/france-eyes-ban-on-all-encompassing-muslim-garb/ ( Source for Rob)

I agree, the United States is a terrible place to immigrate too.

China with it police state would be much safer, as they are very hard on crime and criminals. North Korea may even be better.

I think it is very important to get the word out around the world that the United States is a terrible place to live, especially California. California is extremely impoverished with a state debt exceeding $19 Billion.
LA Times:
Calling for deep cuts and avoiding broad tax hikes, Schwarzenegger and legislative leaders agree on ways to close California's $26.3-billion deficit.


India is another great example, I think it would be great if the immigration trends were away from the US.

It would greatly reduce the number of people dieing trying to get in to the US.

From the Los Angeles Times article 17 July 2010:
Immigrant deaths in Arizona desert soar
"Forty bodies have been brought to the Pima County medical examiner's office this month, on course to being 'the deadliest month of all time.' The unrelenting heat is blamed."
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-border-deaths-20100717,0,5819022.story (Source For Rob)
As for the standard of living argument:
In this day and age, there are only two reasons why most South Koreans would come to the US with an intent to stay for a very long time:
1) To get away from annoying relatives and acquaintances.
2) Can't deal with the level of competition back at home.
Both are contributing factors to South Korea's extremely high suicide rate.
There are other reasons but they're not very common.
I know a few who did come here thinking there would be a lot of possibilities only to be heavily disappointed. But those who came for those two reasons don't have as many 2nd thoughts.

For whatever reason(s) it might be..the fact is that people from all over the world would like to A. Live here in the states and B. Experience what the whole world talks about... ;)

I agree, the United States is a terrible place to immigrate too.

China with it police state would be much safer, as they are very hard on crime and criminals. North Korea may even be better.

Lol...I agree...

It would greatly reduce the number of people dieing trying to get in to the US.

This is the reason why Fort Bliss soldiers are working jointly with US customs...and while the majority are mexicans, and central americans, we still have asians, and people from arabian decent trying to cross over....
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If that's not what you're trying to say, there wouldn't be an argument. You're trying to say that you know what life is like in poor, 3rd world countries better than ACoM, because if you weren't, you wouldn't be saying anything at all. Because that's what HE'S saying.

Can anyone actually make sense out of Rob's above statement?

"You're trying to say that you know what life is like in poor, 3rd world countries better than ACoM,"
Where have I said anything remotely like that?

You are giving ACoM some kind of credit for having lived in a "poor, 3rd world countries"? Are you referring to South Korea as a "poor, 3rd world countries" ?

Maybe AoCM would like to enlighten us as to what countries he has lived in that were "poor, 3rd world countries". I doubt he would say South Korea was one of them. (Maybe before he was born).

But for your edification I have seen first hand what life is like in Haiti.
Passport  Haiti stamp.jpg Top stamps on this page is Republic of Haiti

You have no idea of where I have been or what I have seen, so your assumptions are meaningless.
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Can anyone actually make sense out of Rob's above statement?

"You're trying to say that you know what life is like in poor, 3rd world countries better than ACoM,"
Where have I said anything remotely like that?
You've said it numerous times, when you argued that he was wrong. When you debate against a person, it is because you believe that person to be of ill conceived views about the topic of debate.
You are giving ACoM some kind of credit for having lived in a "poor, 3rd world countries"? Are you referring to South Korea as a "poor, 3rd world countries" ?

Maybe AoCM would like to enlighten us as to what countries he has lived in that were "poor, 3rd world countries". I doubt he would say South Korea was one of them. (Maybe before he was born).
Just as you say to me, you have no idea where he has been or what he has seen, therefore YOUR assumptions are meaningless. Thanks for finally admitting you were wrong.
But for your edification I have seen first hand what life is like in Haiti.
View attachment 823 Top stamps on this page is Republic of Haiti

You have no idea of where I have been or what I have seen, so your assumptions are meaningless.

It took me about 3 seconds to type "haiti passport stamp" into Google and find ALL KINDS of passport stamps. You expect me to believe (especially coming from you... Maybe if another, more respectable member had posted it) that that picture is from your personal passport? C'mon, man. I'm young, not stupid.
You've said it numerous times, when you argued that he was wrong. When you debate against a person, it is because you believe that person to be of ill conceived views about the topic of debate.
Just as you say to me, you have no idea where he has been or what he has seen, therefore YOUR assumptions are meaningless. Thanks for finally admitting you were wrong.

It took me about 3 seconds to type "haiti passport stamp" into Google and find ALL KINDS of passport stamps. You expect me to believe (especially coming from you... Maybe if another, more respectable member had posted it) that that picture is from your personal passport? C'mon, man. I'm young, not stupid.

Well Rob obviously you have no intention of being civil to wards me.
1. You have not produced any statement I made in my posts where I have alluded to being more familiar with third world countries than anyone. Including ACoM.

2. I will submit to admin of this forum any additional pictures or the information they would like to verify the picture I supplied was from my passport. Or would you refer to Redleg as a liar if he stated he had authenticated the stamp as mine?

Quote Rob Henderson:
"C'mon, man. I'm young, not stupid."

Please supply sources to verify your statement as true.

I believe you were permanently banned for harassment and making false statements.

Apparently you do not appreciate the opportunity Redleg gave by reinstating you. I think it is disrespectful to Redleg to violate the trust he showed you.
Assumptions assumptions assumptions.
Chukpike, your attempt at trolling fails.
I think you've managed to miss out at which 3rd world countries I have lived in. South Korea is not currently one of them, though up to the 90's it probably was.
So you're arguing against decades of experience and study with your...?

Well Rob obviously you have no intention of being civil to wards me.

And you have shown none to us. The disrespect is mutual.
Carry on.

Plus, this is an internet forum. If you say you have visited such and such place, I will (unless the information seems wildly off the mark) just take it for face value. If you want to really take it that far, prove that you exist.
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Assumptions assumptions assumptions.
Chukpike, your attempt at trolling fails.
I think you've managed to miss out at which 3rd world countries I have lived in. South Korea is not currently one of them, though up to the 90's it probably was.

I have not "missed out" at which 3rd world countries you have lived in. You have not informed us, as I stated in my post. Please feel free to enlighten us.

As I stated I don't see South Korea as a 3rd world country, I am not familar with any other countries you have lived in.

"You are giving ACoM some kind of credit for having lived in a "poor, 3rd world countries"? Are you referring to South Korea as a "poor, 3rd world countries" ?

Maybe AoCM would like to enlighten us as to what countries he has lived in that were "poor, 3rd world countries". I doubt he would say South Korea was one of them. (Maybe before he was born)."quote chukpike

As you can see from his posts Rob considers South Korea 3rd world.

As far as respect as soon as I resumed posting, you attacked me to the point of having your post deleted.
Alright, if you're up for a new start we'll go with that.
Actually I don't know much about attacking, though I do remember asking you for sources. ;)

Erased some specific information.
Henderson answered it sufficiently below
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Unfortunately the America that is available today is still far ahead of whatever country may be in second place.:-)
Insinuation number one that Chukpike knows life outside America better than someone who has lived outside of America.

I have traveled extensively and you do not have to live in a country to see the conditions the population of a country live in.

You don't even have to go to a country to see the conditions that people live in. I don't think you have ever visited Haiti, but you probably have some idea of the conditions people live in there.
Insinuation number two that Chukpike does not have to *live* in a country to know its people, its culture, its style of living.

Well Rob obviously you have no intention of being civil to wards me.
1. You have not produced any statement I made in my posts where I have alluded to being more familiar with third world countries than anyone. Including ACoM.

2. I will submit to admin of this forum any additional pictures or the information they would like to verify the picture I supplied was from my passport. Or would you refer to Redleg as a liar if he stated he had authenticated the stamp as mine?

Quote Rob Henderson:
"C'mon, man. I'm young, not stupid."

Please supply sources to verify your statement as true.

I believe you were permanently banned for harassment and making false statements.

Apparently you do not appreciate the opportunity Redleg gave by reinstating you. I think it is disrespectful to Redleg to violate the trust he showed you.
I believe my not believing your "passport stamp" shows how not stupid I am. It would take a person of lesser intelligence to accept something posted on the internet as 100% true. I believe Redleg would stand on my side in regards to this matter, he knows that the internet is a safe haven for liars, he sees them every day. Honestly, there's no way I would be 100% satisfied with your passport. Even if I held it in my hands and your last name was "Chukpike."

By the way, to attempt and draw Redleg into this argument in the first place is a vain attempt to bait me. Obviously I appreciate the opportunity, else I wouldn't be here. As far as Redleg and my relationship goes, you are assuming... AGAIN. You know absolutely nothing about what he and I have spoken about, so don't pretend to.

The medical system I know outside of the US that is closest to the US system is Indonesia. It's more expensive to go to a half decent hospital in Indonesia compared to most developed countries (except perhaps the US) and the quality is also lower.
By the way, he HAS informed us what other countries he has lived in. You just choose to either not read his posts (not surprising) or not believe them.
By the way, he HAS informed us what other countries he has lived in. You just choose to either not read his posts (not surprising) or not believe them.

I think the problem maybe that you consider South Korea a 3rd world country, and have put A Can of Man in a tough spot.

He would either have to agree with you that South Korea is a 3rd world country or admit that he has never lived in a country considered to be third world.

And I am sure I have not read all 16,000 plus posts 13th_Redneck/ A Can of Man has posted. So I may not have read a post he has made about other countries he has lived in.

If he does wish to tell me or newer members that is OK too.

But your assumptions about where A Can of Man has lived do not make them true.

And Rob I don't know anyone with more than a High School education that would consider South Korea 3rd world country.

["Originally Posted by A Can of Man
The medical system I know outside of the US that is closest to the US system is Indonesia. It's more expensive to go to a half decent hospital in Indonesia compared to most developed countries (except perhaps the US) and the quality is also lower."

By the way, he HAS informed us what other countries he has lived in. You just choose to either not read his posts (not surprising) or not believe them.] quote Rob Henderson.

Eh Rob, the above quote does not say or even imply that A Can of Man lived in Indonesia.

It simply states that he was familiar with there Health care system. Maybe he would now like to tell us how long he lived in Indonesia?

I think you are digging a deeper hole putting words in A Can of Man's mouth.
Actually I don't have to answer everything in detail and Henderson isn't putting me in any kind of spot. I just flat out don't need to answer them. But I will give you this which is sufficient.

I lived in two third world countries for a combined seven years. Indonesia is one of these countries and in fact, I lived there longer than the other. South Korea is not one of them since it is not a 3rd world country anymore though it was in the 80's and early 90's. So if you count that, I guess you could say it's three third world countries.

Rob isn't making assumptions. He knows because I told him at some point.
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