I've just received some good news from one of my advertisers
The Supply Sergeant (militaryclothing.com) have decided to give us our own very special discount code now,
that will give us 10 % off on ALL orders through them!
Use Code: MILQUOTES on checkout to get the discount
(Only possible to use if you shop through this site..
CLICK HERE to go directly to their online store
They offer a wide range of products, like boots, uniforms, cold weather gear, medals, badges, patches, dog tags, headgear and much more.
You can find their banner at the bottom of this page.
I've also made a few pages where I've presented some of their products now.
Military Uniforms - BDU
Military Boots
Military Combat Boots
Backpacks - Alice and CPF-90 packs
Military Flags
Military name Tapes
Military Dog Tags
Army Combat Uniform (ACU) name/branch tapes, ranks and other products
And much more...
There's just one "problem" with their program,
they do presently not accept orders for shipment outside of the continental United States.
I've asked them about this now, and I hope/believe they will open for international shipments soon.
Just one last thing; Some anti-adware programs may warn you about "Linksynergy" when you click on the links.
This is only a harmless cookie that tracks your sale, so it's safe to allow it.
The Supply Sergeant (militaryclothing.com) have decided to give us our own very special discount code now,
that will give us 10 % off on ALL orders through them!

Use Code: MILQUOTES on checkout to get the discount
(Only possible to use if you shop through this site..

CLICK HERE to go directly to their online store
They offer a wide range of products, like boots, uniforms, cold weather gear, medals, badges, patches, dog tags, headgear and much more.
You can find their banner at the bottom of this page.
I've also made a few pages where I've presented some of their products now.
Military Uniforms - BDU
Military Boots
Military Combat Boots
Backpacks - Alice and CPF-90 packs
Military Flags
Military name Tapes
Military Dog Tags
Army Combat Uniform (ACU) name/branch tapes, ranks and other products
And much more...
There's just one "problem" with their program,
they do presently not accept orders for shipment outside of the continental United States.
I've asked them about this now, and I hope/believe they will open for international shipments soon.
Just one last thing; Some anti-adware programs may warn you about "Linksynergy" when you click on the links.
This is only a harmless cookie that tracks your sale, so it's safe to allow it.