MilBucks, Avatars, Gear, Arcade, Bank questions?? Read this!

Uhh I dont know exactly where to post this so I guess Im just gonna post it here....but is it just me, or is the member's map not working?
Read this, especially about the "Forum special Features".. ;)

PM me or post here if you have any more questions.

There has been several questions about MilBucks, the Arcade or other forum features.

You can find info about most of these things in here:

Read this first, if you still can't find an answer please post your question here. (use the "new topic" button, don't reply to this post...)

Per the title... I read all of the posts... Just thought I'd mention that the links in the two quotes above do not work. :lol: Perhaps new links could go in their place?
Why can't I deposit the milbucks I've acquired so far in the bank?? It keeps saying not enough, but I have over 400 milbucks, aside from what I've deposited. Thanks!!
have you tried to deposit a smaller amount then 400?
It seems to work fine here so it's strange that it's not working...
have you tried to deposit a smaller amount then 400?
It seems to work fine here so it's strange that it's not working...

I must be doing something wrong,,,maybe depositing wrong...ok, where it states to enter the amount I enter 400 then i click on the deposit tab, and it says i dont have enough milbucks to deposit...i cant remember the steps i took to when i 1st made my deposit....hope you can help..sigh.
(AikiRooster helped me out) :) Got it!!!..for some reason it wont let me deposit the exact amount,,,BUT it will let me deposit if i take one less milbuck off. For example i had 536 milbucks i wanted to deposit, it wouldnt take that exact amount, but when i entered 535 it deposited that amount right away,...weird...i guess ill have to deposit 1 less milbuck from now, thanks anyway!!!

Rolling away!!!