Marine Corps recruiting commercials

Jason Bourne said:
I would like to see that devilwasp, do you by any chance no where i could get a clip.
Hmm I'll have a look they are usually on ITV or channel three on "cooncil tellie!" as we call it.
r031Button said:
Actually I think the best commercials are the Army ones; like the one with the Russian immigrant driving the Stryker, that was cool. The Marine ones just seem so....cheesy.

Ah! You have insulted my honor! You must die! We will fight with our katana swords! I will restore honor with the Ikickayoass technique... :horsie:
I can honestly say Canada has the worst recruiting videos in the history of man kind. Watching them makes me want to quit the army...if it wasn't for the paper work. Actually, our recruitment system is crap; it tooke me 4 months to get in. That's with no criminal record, cadet experiance, good grades in highschool, being active in football and rugby, and have three or four shinning letters of refrence. Ah well, keeps us dedicated I guesse.
r031Button said:
I can honestly say Canada has the worst recruiting videos in the history of man kind. Watching them makes me want to quit the army...if it wasn't for the paper work. Actually, our recruitment system is crap; it tooke me 4 months to get in. That's with no criminal record, cadet experiance, good grades in highschool, being active in football and rugby, and have three or four shinning letters of refrence. Ah well, keeps us dedicated I guesse.

Button I felt the same way the first time I saw the USMC'S Knights in shining armor and Dungoens and Dragon commericals. :lol:
Lol; at least that doesn't tell you the military is " a leaning experiance, it's technology!" god forbid it be aggressive :roll: