A bit of a games freak Infern0?
I like trying to see what people have on their desktops, it gives me an insight into their interests.
damn too short message lol
ok well the first picture of the guys with guns, well theres that bar at the top part of the screen...? Battlefield or something? what is that??
Oh I see, then why don't you have all your shortcuts on it? I see you still have four there left up there in the corner
Being a nosey bugger, as I am, I notice that both yourself and VenomPL have a program called Steam, I didn't know what to make of it on Venom's desktop, but now I guess it's a game??
hmmm strange, my computer is just all around messed up
it's so messed up, Im even afraid to change the desktop picture :-(
One of these days... :9mm: :m16shoot::rambo::tank:
anti spyware, virus screen, defrag and registry clean....all good steps to take