Sir I don´t understand what good the new patriot act 1-2 will do for the simple citizen in the United States of America? Here we have a very small group of fundamentalist that are threaten US. They are talking about the US government as if they are deliberately having a war aginst the christian nation with christian values in the radio show Power Radio. And then there are Alex Jones show where people from all social classes and political belives are talking about a police state where the US people loose more and more of their freedom and libertys?
Well it is rather interesting and here in sweden you don´t hear anything about this in the news or in the newspapers. It is just like the problems and the the political debate completely missing over here. And I can say one thing. If this would be in the open in my country and something like that they are talking about in US would happen over here I would say then it´s time to take up arms and fight for our liberty.
It is scarry but since the Madrid bombing the EU has taken steps to make this European Union more "safe" from terrorist attacks like wash one's hands. And I can´t see anything new with this terrorist threat of war. They have been there for a very long time and they haven´t done anything. So why now? For a couple of years this may have smelled like an conspiracy theory. I just don´t buy this war on terrorism anymore. I look at this whole thing as an war on the people. Black, White, Latino, Arab christian, Islam you name it. there's something fishy going on here if you ask me. Give up your freedom for security issues. :?
It will be like in Demolition Man!
Sir I don´t understand what good the new patriot act 1-2 will do for the simple citizen in the United States of America? Here we have a very small group of fundamentalist that are threaten US. They are talking about the US government as if they are deliberately having a war aginst the christian nation with christian values in the radio show Power Radio. And then there are Alex Jones show where people from all social classes and political belives are talking about a police state where the US people loose more and more of their freedom and libertys?
Well it is rather interesting and here in sweden you don´t hear anything about this in the news or in the newspapers. It is just like the problems and the the political debate completely missing over here. And I can say one thing. If this would be in the open in my country and something like that they are talking about in US would happen over here I would say then it´s time to take up arms and fight for our liberty.
It is scarry but since the Madrid bombing the EU has taken steps to make this European Union more "safe" from terrorist attacks like wash one's hands. And I can´t see anything new with this terrorist threat of war. They have been there for a very long time and they haven´t done anything. So why now? For a couple of years this may have smelled like an conspiracy theory. I just don´t buy this war on terrorism anymore. I look at this whole thing as an war on the people. Black, White, Latino, Arab christian, Islam you name it. there's something fishy going on here if you ask me. Give up your freedom for security issues. :?