Is there any possibility that USA can be defeated?

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ASTRALdragon said:
If there were to be a war, it might just be minor military skirmishes then the UN would intervene or both countries would work some kind of a treaty/ceasefire out due to global condemnation.

If the UN has trouble stopping a civil war in Africa, do you think they could stop two superpowers?
zander_0633 said:
Whoa! So you are suggesting a internal strife? OR can I said internal rebellion? I don't think that is possible within the US. It seems to be quite peaceful now!

Well, I meant if the US were to be "defeated" it would certainly most likely have to come from the inside. I'm not suggesting there is any internal strife going on right now (it is peaceful now within US borders, in terms of civil matters...). Externally (from outside influence, i.e. militarily), I don't think the US will be defeated.

jedi078 said:
If the UN has trouble stopping a civil war in Africa, do you think they could stop two superpowers?

Heh good point. Come to think of it, the UN is really just the US considering the US foots almost 70-80% of the funding plus they even volunteered their own soil to have the UN HQ built upon. I seriously think the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, is useless. He sure talks a lot but as to doing anything (even about the civil wars in his own native lands), he does so little.
Heh good point. Come to think of it, the UN is really just the US considering the US foots almost 70-80% of the funding plus they even volunteered their own soil to have the UN HQ built upon

Around its actually around 25 perent I think, which is still way too much.
zander_0633 said:
Well, Why not called it USUN instaed of UN haha! Since it is a "puppet" of the US?

I'd rather it was called the UN but just somewhere else besides in the US.
I think the other only method is to make The US attack a hostile country which the US troops are not very familiar with the terrain. And force them onto a bitter war! Wad about forcing them to go into Africa and attack, say, somalia, and pin their forces there! But first, there must be a huge concentration of foreign troops to help the Somalians! Then force then to fight a war.
I think the other only method is to make The US attack a hostile country which the US troops are not very familiar with the terrain. And force them onto a bitter war! Wad about forcing them to go into Africa and attack, say, somalia, and pin their forces there! But first, there must be a huge concentration of foreign troops to help the Somalians! Then force then to fight a war.

Haha yes lets fight the Americans in the desert something they now have more expeience at than anyone.
First, the cruise missiles and B-52 saturation bombing makes the forest look like the desert. Then with FLIR and night vision optics,which work best in the cold, the enemy stands out like day.
zander_0633 said:
ok, So wad about fighting in the Jungles of South east asia? like in Vietnam? and all those?

If America declares war, it won't be like an action in Vietnam or Iraq. The politicians were fighting those. When the theater commanders take over, there is no way to predict an outcome of a war with America. WWII was the last one and I think most people know how that came out. Of course, that is taking into account an allied effort.
Talk about crazy.

How the dingbat did all of you get wrapped around the axle discussing a topic that makes about as much sense as the discussion of how many angels you could put on the head of a pin.

Talk about crazy.

The ONLY way this country COULD be attacked from four directions at once would be if the rest of the world were to be overrun by some "power" and then that power was turned on the United States. Before that could happen - the United States would already be fully involved in the fight.

Nuclear winter would be just a short step away.
Before the US were overrun - ALL weapons would be released (BELIEVE IT).
You are correct -

cser said:
no empire can't be defeated
You are correct - as far as you went.

There IS one possible way for the United States to be defeated...

:read:-THAT'S FROM WITHIN -:read:

If the invasion comes from outside our borders, nuclear winter is not far behind -
the US will NOT stand by and be destroyed without taking the rest of the world with it.
Chief Bones said:
You are correct - as far as you went.

There IS one possible way for the United States to be defeated...

:read:-THAT'S FROM WITHIN -:read:

If the invasion comes from outside our borders, nuclear winter is not far behind -
the US will NOT stand by and be destroyed without taking the rest of the world with it.
John Titor
:-P :-P
Missileer said:
If America declares war, it won't be like an action in Vietnam or Iraq. The politicians were fighting those. When the theater commanders take over, there is no way to predict an outcome of a war with America. WWII was the last one and I think most people know how that came out. Of course, that is taking into account an allied effort.

Yes, but you are also taking into account that the America of 1942 is the same America of 20XX.

There may no longer be such a thing as "a war that the politicians don't fight". Any further enemy isn't going to be as stupid as Hitler, that enemy is going to attack our politicians perhaps even more than our millitary.

Remember that now-a-days "millitary drafts" are talked about in terms of national need but rather or political viability.

Seperating politics from war is an ancient concept that only works when your enemy is too stupid to see the vulnerabilities inherent in a democracy.
What if those foreigners that have gained entry or have became US citizens are all soliders in disguise, then one fine day, The take up weapons and start to attack the America from within!
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