Is obese necessarily bad?

it is when my tax dollars goes to the medical bills of obease people.

There are 2 costs that go with being in shape. The cost that you pay to keep yourself in shape and the cost you must pay to the government for those who cannot keep themselves in shape.
egoz said:
Technically you are obese if your BMI is >30. .

The BMI is a very relative number....while in the Marines at 5'10" and 190 pounds, according to the BMI, I was terribly overweight. Bodyfat measurements are the most accurate way of determining "obese" people. You can have a perfect BMI and still be 25% bodyfat, that is why it is a relative measure. If you are male and can keep you BF% around 15% or lower, the amount of weight you carry is mute.
irishgal said:
pressure is awful nowadays to be perfect though, it can be very depressing, im now on a 1000 calorie a day diet. :(

so hungry!

Never go below 1200 calories a day! Your body goes into a starvation mode and will conserve all of the energy(food) it gets. This means your metabolism slows down along with many body functions and can be dangerous. I am not an accredited health professional but I know what I am speaking of. I weighed in at 397lbs 1 year 9months ago and with proper diet, rest, water and exercise have dropped down to 186lbs. I have lost 211lbs and I did it by being smart about my diet and exercise. I have done this in an effort to get back in the military and am physically at the point where I can pass all of the United States Army Physical fitness standards for a 36 year old. You can do it also but you must be persistant and patient. DO NOT go below 1200 calories you can and will hurt yourself. Sorry but when I see folks doing that it drives me nuts. Thank you.
Doody said:
it is when my tax dollars goes to the medical bills of obease people.

There are 2 costs that go with being in shape. The cost that you pay to keep yourself in shape and the cost you must pay to the government for those who cannot keep themselves in shape.

Well put. That's exactly the way I feel about smoking or using tobacco in any form. I did notice, however, that when we put greater emphasis on people stopping smoking, the obesity outlook got a little more grim. When a person quits tobacco, not only is it tough on his/her nerves, but their physiology changes. Weight is gained because of the slowdown in the body's metabolism. Add to that the habit of feeding a craving with chocolate or some other sugar. Oh well, we can't get out of this alive anyhow.

Has anyone heard of the new medication that was originally designed to be a weight loss aid? Now I understand that it also is working to help people stop smoking and, get this, get off drugs. I'm still looking at this silver bullet with some skepticism. Like the old saying goes "if it looks too good to be true.........."
I have to drink a beer just to keep my britches from falling down. I guess I could use suspenders and keep my self respect too, especially if they don't fall down. :oops:
egoz said:
i've been trying to put on weight for the last few months. i've been taking the weight gainers and protein and everything. i'm still not at the weight i want either. another 10lbs and i think i'm good. so i think it works both ways, hard to lose or gain, depending on the person. but i think the motivation to change is the big difference.

I know what you mean

Its just as had for a thin person to put on weight as it is for an obese person to lose it

It just depends on the person

But obesity is bad....lowers your quality of life (i would die if i couldnt run or play footie) and shortens your life....
So you think being overweight or obese is very bad? You don't like your tax $ going to care for these people? I wonder how many people here think they're in pretty good shape right now?
Answer that question and then click on the link below and check it out. You might be surprised at what the U.S. government thinks about it and even more surprised at the company you keep.
All these diets you see and read about are a waste of time all you need to do is watch what you eat and do excerise. Go and kick the footy with your mates or kids, take your dog for a walk, join a gym, get involved with life, and last but not least every time you turn your computer on do your max push ups and sit ups and do it for a week or so and see how much you have improved that should give you the motivation to go on.

You may laugh but someone will give it a go. And I say good on you.
The BMI scale is useless. I know great athletes who would be obese if put on it. It cant tell the difference between 250 lbs of muscle and 250 lbs of fat. Our whole defensive line would be considered obese on that scale, and in reality they are studs. Don't let a scale tell you that you are fat. If you are, you know you are.

I live in Texas, and in America it has the fattest cities in the whole USA. We just started 2 a day football practice Monday, and 90 percent of our team is in great shape, the others are mildly overweight, and only about 5 guys on the whole squad (175 football players at my school) Fish, JV, and Varsity are obese. I'm havent put these guys on a scale and done calculation, but its obvious that they are. I dont know about any other people, but I think thats pretty healthy for a whole bunch of kids. Then again I am talking about athletes, it would probably be different percents if I compared non-athletes.

I havent been obese, but I have been fat. Freshman year I was about 5'11 215 lbs, now on my Junior year I'm 6'2 180 lbs. It was horrible when I was fat, getting a girl friend was like mission impossible. Now that I'm in shape again its great. Plus I can eat whatever I want (within reason), and not gain weight. Once you get skinny I think its easy to stay there. :cowb:
Is obese bad? Sure, it's very bad. First it's unhealthy, second it is ugly, third it prevents you from building a certain type of self confidence and fourth you suffer from the hot temperatures in the summer.
I eat when I'm hungry. I stop when I am full. I don't do extra exercise, but I do get outside. there are days when I don't move from my bed except to go get food or the phone or something. However, i still weigh 115. I have no problem with my weight and I think I'm great the way I am.

That is the secret to dieting.
I'm 6'1" and 260 lbs. my doctor says im obese. he was concerned so he made me take a blood test. test results came back. just what i thought. im healthier than he is. These were the exact words i told him, "Did you forget I play football? I told you I was perfectly healthy." i stopped going to that doctor after that. I now go to my former athletic trainers practice. At least she knows what shes doing.

Yeah i could lose weight and drop to about 200 or less if i wanted to. but i like the way i am. I enjoy being, literally, looked up to. The ladies also like a big strong man that can protect him.