Irans towards...

I am on topic, I created it.

How is this invasion affecting the ecomony and tourism in Iran?
Dont know anything about that one - But probably those with money and trust in the Iranian gov are probably still visiting Iran and so on? Those with money is prob the very same ppl that before Saddam Hussein was put out of action and they have just found a new business partner in arms and other things. Friends to Tehran France, Germany, Russia, "Britain", and other European countrys togheter with China. I dont think those holliday visits are canceled if I understand some facts from this last Iraqi Freedom war, where different embassy personel was cleaning some Iraqi gov buildings in the last minute before the remains of all sensitive documentation was burned up in all haste. The story of this was speedy mentioned here in sweden before everyone forgotten that story. *cough* I think it is business as usual in Iran and Tehran. :lol:

i am sure invading Iran will cost more U.S lives than invading Iraq....

U.S troops faced a demoralized and shattered army in Iraq(i am talking about regulars)..

but in iran...they didn't get ass kicked in 1991 or other time..they got some good Red Arrow 9A from china, and other equips..
they possiblely have some nukes or very close to have nukes..

invading them will probably give them an excuse to give those nuke tech to terriosts..(maybe they are doing it right now)
I'm sure the US is bluffing. Britain is totally opposed to the US using military action against Iran. The US will be alone on this one, and so they should too!!!

Iran is feeling surrounded by US forces at the present stage. It will fight like hell if the US throws a ground force against them.

Lets see George Dubya still try to spread his "freedom" to the world over the next couple of years before he becomes a lame duck president.
Sexybeast/Strongbow you guys are forgetting something. The U.S. has a whole lot of asymetrical warfare capability. Do you remember Afghanistan? All we had to do was use airpower and FACs (Forward Air Controllers) combined with some special forces and the Taliban fell. I am not saying that this is possible in Iran, but there is quite a bit of dissent amoung Iranians towards their gov't. All I'm saying is that without putting a single boot on the ground the U.S. can level Tehrahn if it so choses. America has quite a number of diplomatic and low-intensity combat cards to play when it comes to Iran.

I do think the Iranians are feeling some definate preasure having the countries to the east and west fall to the Americans.

As far as bush being a 'Lame Duck' that is a completely ignorant statement. He has both the House and Senate and has a very agressive domestic agenda for the next 2 years.
Bush is bluffing...if not he's even stupider than I thought :lol: ...sorry Redneck :D

There's gonna be a surge in violence in Iraq right now and I don't think the US is prepared (psychologically) for another invasion and another loss of life because of oil.
Whispering Death said:
Of course he isn't going to invade, but please don't tell me you believe that 'oil' BS do you?

That's one piece of BS you'll find hard to disprove.
WMD's, topple the regime, free the people-that's BS.
yes...i believe U.S military is capable of kicking iran's ass..

but iranians are more religious than iraqs..there will be more terriosts attack and other craps u seen in iraq right now
yes...i believe U.S military is capable of kicking iran's ass..

but iranians are more religious than iraqs..there will be more terriosts attack and other craps u seen in iraq right now