

Ive got a 'Pre-Joining Fitness Test'' this tuesday...where I have to run 1.5 miles in 10 minutes 45 seconds...

So I got practising sprinting/fast jogging on this long trail near my house (Trans Pennine Trail) and was getting 20 minutes :shock:

ok, i though, need to do a bit everyday ive been training on it and the lowest time i got was 17 minutes...

shit, i thought, im gonna fail this and not get ive been shitting it for the past few days trying to improve on my time, but with no sucess

so i came back on my computer and checked the map again...turns out ive been doing twice as far as i pissing needed to :oops: :oops: :shock: :shock: :roll: :roll:

so, in conclusion, im an idiot

good thing is im fit as a britney spears and cristina agualera covered in jam having a bit of a wrestle :D
went for the test today.....doing fine....400m to go...kicked my own ankle and fell off the treadmill :cen:
Old thread, but I thought I'd update you...

Passed the Potential Royal Marines Course last month, and Im leaving to start 32 weeks of training on Monday (2nd May)

Cant wait 8)