I believe that, the Indonesians requires more than a decade to rebuild their country. As mentioned earlier, they were hit hard by tsunami, almost the entire city wiped out, lately, the eartquake is giving them a lot of problems and their volcanoes are getting active. These factors will surely give a huge economical impact to their economy.... W/out money, they can't do anything.
Considering that they were barely relevant Internationally
before the tsunami, that disaster certainly doesn't help matters.
To say that Indonesia needs 10 years to rebuild is forgetting something: It was primarily Sumatra that was affected. Most of Indonesia was not directly hit. So outside of the affected portions of Sumatra, Indonesia remains pretty much the same.
The greatest obstacles in the way of Indonesia developing:
1.) Disunity. Their country is a single nation in name and government, but it doesn't seem to engender much in the way of national pride, nor overall sense of unity.
2.) As stated, a prevalence of natural disasters.
3.) Poverty and the corruption that always comes with it.
4.) Civil Wars.
I wonder if Indonesia can develop properly, or if it would require a breakup into several smaller nations before it can work?