India's Kashmir Conflict

I bet the one who posted above is a muslim , must have registered just now after lookin at my posts, he must have felt so offended, i should have never taken up this topic cos i know you would never agree with what I said , of course not, India isn't powerful as Russia , China or USA can someone support us and accept our point of view.Its human nature to side with a powerful country , I don't blame anyone for that,like what USA is doing in Iraq is perfect but if the same was the case with India nah its not correct...we would be killin innocent iraqi's then.And I was talking bout nukeing PoK where your terrorist muslim brothers camp out.And go read that link i posted earlier in my posts , on what basis do you say that we are equally responsible for whats happening in Kashmir ??? !!!!!!?????? you would then also say Russia is to be blamed equally then for their conflict with the chechens ??...and these are my point of views don't take out your anger on the entire India..these are my words and not what entire India thinks.So please don't call anyone an idiot , maybe im not able to talk with the rhetoric and peasantry of words that you are..doesn't mean we are idiots.
First of it dose not Matter weather i'm muslim hindu jewish or christian as for not agreeing with you what makes you think i agree with the US russia or China? as for my "terrorist muslim brothers" what makes you think i support them? do you know me? do you know my opinions or even my religion? are you trying to say India has NEVER made a hostile move against Pakistan (Directly or Indirectly) and i didn't call Everyone and Idiot i said there are idiots on BOTH sides. I never said a word about the conflict in Kashmir i said in general.
Xion conveniently ignored the crimes India has committed in this region, though I don't think he is nearly as biased as he could be. But when dealing with crazy fanatics pouring across your border (the Islamic extremist groups, not Pakistan) it's hard not to take a hardline approach. Though things like rape and torture, will never be justified.

But those things aside, I think what venom is trying to say is that, both sides have their blind arrogant mindset about the issue, and neither are going to back down. Something to do with pride, in a way, a muslim vs. hindu endurance test.

And, perhaps this is where I get biased about this, but I think Pakistan shares a larger portion of the blame for first "supporting" and now failing to stop the Islamic radicals making the situation worse.
I'm not sure there is much more the pakistani Govt. can do. There is already a lot of hostility towards the Pakistani president and there have been several assassination attempts already. If he were to take serious action against these extremists it might be enough to result in the Govt. being overthrown and I'm sure that is the last thing anyone wants considering the govt. to replace the current one would be a radical one that would openly support terrorism and this would make Nuclear weapons easily available to any terrorist group.
Very valid point, venom. I wonder if the US would be forced to help the gov. if it was in serious danger? As in, I wonder if it would come down to putting US boots in Pakistan to keep the nation from falling apart.
Can you give me any instances of India being hostile towards Pakistan , that is making any first attempts at a war or purposely training terrorists with an anti-paki sentiment and then sending them across the border to kill innocent ppl in pakistani cities ..and btw you did not answer me Russia equally to be blamed in Chechnya ? USA equally to be blamed for Iraq war ? ...Is the USA equally to be blamed for attacking Afghanistan ? ...Is USA equally to be blamed for Vietnam war..Is Israel equally to be blamed in Palestine ? .....please answer them as it will make me feel satisfied.
Why doesn't pakistan just stop fighting and supporting the kashmiri terrorists..if they are so concerned about their freedom why dont they JUST GIVE UP THEIR PART OF THE OCCUPIED KASHMIR FIRST ????????? !!!! ......and this is no blame game ...we arent kids here playing ......its a matter of ppl's lives here ..ppl are being killed here ??? ..GET THAT RIGHT you know how serious that thing is ?? ...go ask your countrymen whos family members were beheaded in Iraq and ask em if they can have a bipolar view you are talking off...go ask someone whose family members were killed by an islamic jehadist....its easy to talk sitting in some far away place and making bipolar views....
All india is asking to stop supporting terrorists in PoK....And YOU'LL SEE THE TERRORISM WILL GET over in a matter of do you think these terrorists get their arms from..who funds them ???????? !!....and as you...and what crimes are you talking off India did commit in you even know kashmir is the most privileged state in india...what more do they want..they are satisfied with what they have...but its pakistan who isn't.
ALWAYS FOLLOW WHAT YOU SAY YOURSELF FIRST ...... ( tho i still bet my life on it that ur a muslim )
Heh. You'd do best not to use caps, Xion, it doesn't help the discussion in a meaningful manner. But I noticed in your post you denied Indian soldier's atrocities. I'm afraid these are true. :cry: :shock:

Not that I'm saying America is totally clean in that sector...... "coughvietnamcough"
Ok you cant determine my religion from my posts because i do not mention it you are VERY openly biased and its become painfully clear that no amount of reason will get through to someone as short sighted as yourself
and for your satisfaction......
The US is at fault in Iraq that was a preemptive war
As for the Israel/Palestine Problem i think both sides are to blame(Arab- Israeli) i think it was wrong of the Arab countrys to try and destroy This Incredibly small country for no other reason than them Being Jewish but i also think Israel has its share of blame (The 6 day war is launched a preemptive attack) as for the bombings it would be one thing if they only hit military targets I would not Hold it against due to the fact they have no army but because they choose to target Civilians i think they hold the blame for that and this could on for ever so i'm stoping on this one right here
and in Russia I think that after the whole Incident at the school retaliation is warranted.
Well i did not want to use caps...i also don't have anything against ones bad/evil.....but look who started talking bout hindu vs muslims first

venom928 says
He reminds of of those people that claim that it was only the Muslims who slaughtered innocent hindus during the partition the Killing of innocent people took place on both sides

And whenever theres any military involved the ppl hate it, doesn't mean they commit atrocities against em....its just that military isn't as soft as normal police are...they have strict rules.All this atrocity thing is one big made up drama by pakistan..cos they dont have anything else to defend themselves

Do you know a few days ago a few militants cut off a muslim woman's nose and ears in kashmir as she made her brother give up arms and surrender to the know who helped her?...The Indian Army...they helped her get a new synthetic nose fixed and paid all her medical expenses.....there are alot many incidents like these where the Indian army has helped a lot of such victims ![/quote][/code]
xion said:
Can you give me any instances of India being hostile towards Pakistan , that is making any first attempts at a war or purposely training terrorists with an anti-paki sentiment and then sending them across the border to kill innocent ppl in pakistani cities ..and btw you did not answer me Russia equally to be blamed in Chechnya ? USA equally to be blamed for Iraq war ? ...Is the USA equally to be blamed for attacking Afghanistan ? ...Is USA equally to be blamed for Vietnam war..Is Israel equally to be blamed in Palestine ? .....please answer them as it will make me feel satisfied.
Why doesn't pakistan just stop fighting and supporting the kashmiri terrorists..if they are so concerned about their freedom why dont they JUST GIVE UP THEIR PART OF THE OCCUPIED KASHMIR FIRST ????????? !!!! ......and this is no blame game ...we arent kids here playing ......its a matter of ppl's lives here ..ppl are being killed here ??? ..GET THAT RIGHT you know how serious that thing is ?? ...go ask your countrymen whos family members were beheaded in Iraq and ask em if they can have a bipolar view you are talking off...go ask someone whose family members were killed by an islamic jehadist....its easy to talk sitting in some far away place and making bipolar views....
All india is asking to stop supporting terrorists in PoK....And YOU'LL SEE THE TERRORISM WILL GET over in a matter of do you think these terrorists get their arms from..who funds them ???????? !!....and as you...and what crimes are you talking off India did commit in you even know kashmir is the most privileged state in india...what more do they want..they are satisfied with what they have...but its pakistan who isn't.
ALWAYS FOLLOW WHAT YOU SAY YOURSELF FIRST ...... ( tho i still bet my life on it that ur a muslim )

Speaking of bipolar, that sudden explosion is quite that way. All the conflicts you mentioned above (including those with my country, USA) do have blams on both sides. The US especially has blames for conflicts in Iraq and Vietnam. You really need to calm down you know, or you're not going to be able to function on this forum. The US does get constant bashing from other countries, especially from France and certain parts of Canada (take a guess which part). Many think that there is no real international outrage over the slaughter of US civilians contractors in Iraq because they feel we deserve it, yet Abu-Ghraib gets all sorts of publicity in international media (see, we get criticized and bashed all over to). My point is that you keep thinking that just because we are the current superpower of the world, doesn't mean we are not blamed for everything. So just cool it, you don't have to explode when something like this happens.
venom928 says
and in Russia I think that after the whole Incident at the school retaliation is warranted

so then India is perfectly right too....they attacked our Parliament killing a lot many ppl...then they attacked the city of mumbai killing hundreds of civilians ...Ever read newspapers ?? yeah they were identified as pakistanis !!!!! ......ppl from ISI their Inter services Intelligence .....dont tell me whos short-sighted dude !!......this just shows whose ignorant ..YOU !
The only reason i say it warrants retaliation is that a very large percentage of the dead were children.

Also Chechnia is controlled by russia the whole reason for this conflict as i understand it to be (I don't claim to know a great deal about it) is them wanting freedom from russia
Ok, did you read my first post?...i said more than 80,000 ppl were killed in Kashmir in the past 50 years most of them by these terrorists.....and yes there were a lot many children too.....

In any bombing that takes place anywhere in the world its a pity that there are almost always children involved.

And you ppl dont know how brutal these killers can be...i'll tell you in the Kargil war recently in which paki soldiers were involved too.....these murderers returned 6 bodies of indian soldiers ..and can you imagine in what condition ? .....their ears were cut their noses were cut...and there body parts were dismembered ....what kind of retalation should be made after all this ?.
Why dont the pakis just keep aside the kashmir issue...its them who always say kashmir is the key issue..why?..if they want peace why dont they just give it up and thinhs will be fine...the terrorists cannot persist for too long if they dont get any finding from pakistan....
And someone was talking bout pakistan supporting USA you know before USA went to war with taliban...who were the main supporters of the taliban regime....believe it or not ..PAKISTAN !....they even denied giving refuge to the taliban spokesperson in pakistan after the USA entered into the picture why dont they do the same with Kashmiri leaders ??? !!!
We all know Pakistan helped put the Taliban together. They say they are now fighting against them, they now have allied with us against them. Look at it from this point of view...... battle terorist, or the United States of America? Are they truely allies of the US? Have they truely turned on their own creation? Time will tell. But I do have this link
Ok my Key points were that it was a very large Percentage of children and Chechnia is controlled by Russia. The terrorists you are talking about are on the Pakistani side of the border meaning if india were to go after them it would be an act of war. "Why dont the pakis just keep aside the kashmir issue" Like i said before there are idiots on both sides.
The terrorists have camps in their territory but they carry out operations on our territory..its too dificult a terrain to monitor ...unless one side helps....and here are ppl who instead of helping are encouraging them.

How are we at fault here ? and how is russia not..we are defending our territory as the russians are and as the americans are and as the israelis are....but you dont call them idiots .....why ?? ...cos they are politically and economically more influential ?
xion said:
The terrorists have camps in their territory but they carry out operations on our territory..its too dificult a terrain to monitor ...unless one side helps....and here are ppl who instead of helping are encouraging them.

How are we at fault here ? and how is russia not..we are defending our territory as the russians are and as the americans are and as the israelis are....but you dont call them idiots .....why ?? ...cos they are politically and economically more influential ?
You are quite influential, you are one of the rising powers in the world. I have had enough of this, you are no longer defending you are now whining. I TOLD YOU, THE US, RUSSIA, AND ESPECIALLY ISREAL ARE CONSTANTLY CALLED IDIOTS, FOOLS, AND AGGRESSORS FOR DEFENDING THEIR COUNTRIES. :x You yourself are not at fault here, they are talking about a few politicians in the country who may not want to give up or solve the Kashmir situation on both sides. You can continue to use the US as an example, but stop whining how no one ever complains about us because we're the "world power." :evil:
Are even reading what i post?
I said the US was wrong for invading Iraq
I said both sides were to blame in the Israel/Arab conflict and the fact that russia can do what it wants in chechnia is because chechnia is controlled by russia
k im satisfied now as -

venom928 says

there are idiots in USA to go to war against Iraq ...and both sides are at fault ..

that there were idiots in Israel and Palestine ..and both sides are at fault ...

and that there are idiots in Russia and Chechnya ...and both sides are at fault :D
xion said:
k im satisfied now as -

venom928 says

there are idiots in USA to go to war against Iraq ...and both sides are at fault ..

that there were idiots in Israel and Palestine ..and both sides are at fault ...

and that there are idiots in Russia and Chechnya ...and both sides are at fault :D
Well, when it comes right down to it, all those statements are true. As always, there are two sides to the story. Still, I've got a pretty hefty bias against murder and mob violence. The Hindus in India have been guilty of some shameful behavior, its true. Still, that is NEVER an excuse for murder (aka terrorism, aka "freedom fighters"), now is it? If a Catholic named Bob commits a horrible crime, that doesn't give me the right to run out and kill Sarah, Fred and George because they also happen to be Catholic.