I bet the one who posted above is a muslim , must have registered just now after lookin at my posts, he must have felt so offended, i should have never taken up this topic cos i know you would never agree with what I said , of course not, India isn't powerful as Russia , China or USA ...how can someone support us and accept our point of view.Its human nature to side with a powerful country , I don't blame anyone for that,like what USA is doing in Iraq is perfect but if the same was the case with India nah its not correct...we would be killin innocent iraqi's then.And I was talking bout nukeing PoK where your terrorist muslim brothers camp out.And go read that link i posted earlier in my posts , on what basis do you say that we are equally responsible for whats happening in Kashmir ??? !!!!!!?????? ....so you would then also say Russia is to be blamed equally then for their conflict with the chechens ??...and these are my point of views don't take out your anger on the entire India..these are my words and not what entire India thinks.So please don't call anyone an idiot , maybe im not able to talk with the rhetoric and peasantry of words that you are..doesn't mean we are idiots.