In case USA attacks Iran


Thanks guys....
Well somebody just have to go against the mainstream sometime and give a piece of one's mind.

Hey FlyingFrog how about Norwegian oil? and btw those Hitler salutes is not far from our own gouverment, they actually works togheter with the communist party here in sweden, that claims that Cuba is a democratic place to live in and that they have free elections over there. We have a socialist party that runs the show over here and it is not socialism anylonger, it is pure communism and I have to say that our socialism have a strange face at the moment. "Maby PLA or US can save us from this madness? Even China is probably lesser communists then sweden."? :lol: :D



Yes, let's talk about oil.

Alght then, let's do...

Annual China imports some 100 million tons crude oil I think (not very sure of the amount).

That figure is correct. In 2004 imports exceeded 100 million tons / year.

I don't know how much oil does China import from Iran annually, I bet not that much.

China has about as much (overland) oil production/reserves as Mexico, so it does have its own share, but since China has become the second largest consumer (runner-up to the US) it must import oil at a rapidly growing rate.

Iran, followed by the Saudis, is currently the nation with the biggest export of crude oil to China. Of course China can compensate.

As Frog already hinted, Russia will then probably become the primary partner for China, since it will seek freedom from all possible sanctions. It also makes sense geographically.

But the damage being done to the relation US/China would be political. It would be immense and lasting...

For the long term, however, Russia is not the solution for China. Russia has only about double the confirmed reserves of China, half of that which Iran or Iraq has, not to mention the Saudis.

At present the US consumes about four times (!!!) as much as China. Just take a short look at the figures (You can confirm them with any other given source of reference):

This figure also portrait clearly, that speculations about the US ' need to secure oil reserves in the world are completely unfounded liberal BS to demoralize the troops, and that the presence of US forces on the by far largest known oil reserve is purely coincidental. This war is of course about freedom and democracy, about terrorism and 9/11. Who could possibly doubt that...

G.A.F.E.S. said:
Flying Frog if China's oil supply is cut off, dont worry, here in Mexico we have plenty :rambo: Theres Venezuela too.

In fact you don't... The US would drink your oil supply dry in no time whatsoever. Right now Mexico ranks with China. Yes, there is Venezuela, who can almost compete with Iran/Iraq, but that is slurped in less than a decade as well. But there is good news! Have you read about the possible oil field in the Gulf of Mexico? You could exceed the reserves of Venezuela with that, if the hopes don't prove unfounded and the investors come with the tech to harvest...

Hmm, I'm not so sure about UBL being in there, but some top Al Queda leaders- easy to buy.

But yeah, that's what took me by surprise, Doc. You with these "radical" views, as I thought Sweden was nearing communist, except without the whold "evil dictatorship" thing :lol:

I bet you get lots of jazz over there.
Chocobo_Blitzer wrote:

But yeah, that's what took me by surprise, Doc. You with these "radical" views, as I thought Sweden was nearing communist, except without the whold "evil dictatorship" thing :lol:

I bet you get lots of jazz over there.


Sir I can promiss you that I have suprised alot of people in my community the last 5 years, I have been involved in foreign policy questions and my interest in the war on terrorism. Over here I am considered by alot of people as a "uncomfortable person" , by people that dont share my opinions, or should I say they find me uncomfortable untill they have been proven convinced, I would say that the opinion of me as a person is very divided over here.

People makes up there own mind and as you mention, naturally I get alot of jazz when I speak as I do about the war on terrorism our left turned political parties from the right to the left. But out of 98% of 100 of the cases I have proven to be right. Why a man can ask himself? Well people in sweden just dont care to be honest.

They dont care or they don`t want to care or get involved and that is a weakness that eventually will cost this country dearly. My tools are very simple tools that every Swedish citizen could use and come to allmost the same answers if they only wished to know anything. Problem here in sweden is that people are lazy, really lazy when it comes to political, historical, social sciences, securitypolicys and international foreign policys. The truth is that sweeds in generall gets everything served by the gouverment and the 7 established partys that are allowed in our country.

That is not all - The labour unions are in close collaboration with the political leaders of the two major partys here in sweden that is the social democrats and the Left Party Communist VPK but in these days they are only called the Left Party but still there leader is a communist and he is poud of it. I can respect that fact because I believe in democray and the free speach but the social democrats attempts to be house-trained socialists but still they are in close collaboration with the VPK and that is dubble sets of card play wich I dont favour at all.

Alot of young people here in sweden have been trained to belive that communism is something great and it will work and there will be a classless society and they are constantly brain washed with the "facts" that Lenin was a good man and Fidel Castros Cuba is a true democray and that Adolf Hitler, George W Bush = USA and the Israelis are this worlds biggest threat and evil to the very backbone.

And sir.... I have become tired to watch this young people loose more and more reality support when I know that there is no future for them more then a government labour movement concentration camp if they keep on buying this perfect directed world of theirs. The biggest problem over here is that we are loosing young people, generation after generation to this madmen that rules this little country with a Iron fist.

The ones that are not involved in this left wing movement dont care about saving people from this system because they are all the same, but they are right turned. Our media makes the Palestinian suicide bombers heroes in our art museums, Castro is our friend and the terrorists that get killed in the bombings of the USA are recognized as only children, women and old people. Even if there are terrorists in those houses they are not there when our media describe the "reality", our foreign minister seems to have a crush on Arafat and I would not be to surprised if she also support Hammas and Al-Quida bombings against US. I think that our established partys goes hand in hand with this terrorist friendly eye.

And I get sick only to watch this, this country that has nothing to offer me in exchange of cultural enjoyment, musical entertainment or impartial media. It is all effective inspected by our gouverment that is in fact nothing else then a big dreammachine that produce a perfect world where everything is peachy and pink clowded. The Jazz music I have heard alot of times you know Chocobo_Blitzer, lucky for me I like Jazz. ;)


I am sincerely sorry Doc. It sounds like things are getting pretty lousy over there. Do not fret though, things will get worse but then they will get better. Good luck to you and your kin.
Lupos (Joseph)
Nice post, Doc. Thank you for sharing your opinion on Sweden. Very interesting.... I can't help but feel you made it a bit more dramatic, but still pretty informative.
Thanx guys it is the least I can do for the people, there are always two sides on a coin, I guess Im only representing the shadows on the sides of that coin. The truth is out there for everyone to find :)

A man can ask himself what this have to do with Iran? I will tell you the truth. Sweden and its different partys has in fact shelter and defended Iranian intelligence murder squads that hunts former Iranian citizens now swedish citizens here in my country. Our own Intelligence had to step down when they catched different units here in sweden doing intelligence foot work on our own citizens from Iran. People over here get killed and not protection from their former rulers.

The difference is that those killer commandos kill our swedish citizens in France or in other parts of the world while our gouverment shuts their eyes for one reason. They dont want to get the Iranian gouvernment angry. This is a fact! And as long as I live I will never do as the rest of this country do, and that is turn a blind eye to social injustice and bend down for terrorists or dictator regimes. In america if that country is threatend I can join up and defend the people.

US gouverment will not shut their eyes and look another way because they are afraid to loose there diplomatic faces towards the rest of the world. US just dont **** around with this type of regims! I believe that every Swedish citizen or American citizen that is a former foreign citizen should have the same protection as I have in my own country. And my country- my friends dont think that is important.

Well I dissagree with them and the rest that thinks that its okey if Iranian intelligence officers can track down citizens here and then if they want to kill them in france or somewhere else as long as the Iranians dont get angry and starts to blow our subways up and fly airplains in to buildings that can hurt the majority. USA would never let anything like that happen in their great nation, because there everyone that is a citizen is a citizen.

Most Sincerly:

FlyingFrog said:
But do you think if Iran is under USA control, USA will cut off the oil suppy to C ? I bet not at all, but it may happen, for example in case C attacks Taiwan, then USA will have an execus to put "sanction" on C , this means of course oil blockage.

I see no reason at all to block Chinese oil. And I don't really foresee an attack on Taiwan that would cause such a ridiculous sanction.
Chocobo_Blitzer said:
Hmmm, interesting. If Chinese oil supply would be in trouble.... then I say:


J/K!! :lol:

wow, :D
r u really ready to start work, uncle sam :lol: