isn't fair to say your wing's encampment is the best. First, have you been to every encampment in CAP?
Have you gone as staff and as a basic?
Have you truly compared yours to everyone else’s?
If you have, kudos- you have too much time on your hands.
Every wing has a different program, and a different way of running things. Other wings may have better ways to do the same thing, and some may be "better". But, unless you take time to compare, and actually attend and see another wings at work first hand, you can not make statements such as "we are better then you". It starts to sound childish.
Yes, have pride in your wing. I know I take pride in CAP, my wing, group, and sq. And yes there will be a little friendly rivalry, but try not to pre-judge the unknown.
Sorry, this is just one of my many pet peeves....