John Lydon
Active member
I heard that if you choose to join the Corps, they let you spend a day at Sea World with R. Lee Ermey. Hoorah!!!
you could also join the coast guard i know it may sound lame but coasties are tough and their boot camp is just as tough and they do go in harms way but they get to go home almost every night
Garfield ...
Just a few things to think about as you make your decision as to which service to join:
You seem to have zeroed in on being a ground pounder or a grunt for some reason ... and the Army or the Marines are good selections for carrying a gun and going nose-to-nose with the enemy
... but ...
(1) The Air Force or Navy would be a better choice if you want to select a career path that is marketable in the civilian world after serving in either service. While the Army IS better than the Marines, it falls far short of the other two major militaries.
(2)With a career in the Air Force, you could find thousands of jobs or careers in the Aero industry (including the Space industry).
(3) With the selection of the Navy, it would open up a career path in the Merchant Marine and in thousands of selections and industries that are crossover jobs in the civilian market.(4) One major piece of info ... the job placement numbers for individuals coming out of the service, are the highest for former Navy officers AND enlisted specialists (since the unemployment numbers appear to have settled in pretty solidly and the picture for the future job market is pretty sour).
I'm really out of shape right now, not fat, just kinda lazy. I want to walk into this completely prepared.
There are many jobs in the Military that don't involve going to fight and don't require a high level fo fitness. Why don't you look into those options?
Because I want to be in the action. I don't want to be in some air conditioned room reading out computer codes to the guy next to me. I want to be on the streets fighting for my life. So to answer your question, I don't really know why I want to be right in the fight, but what I do know is that do want to be there.
Implicature - Wow, thank you for all the information and what not. Id like to spend a year getting ready because I'm really out of shape, and honestly if I went to enlist right now I don't think I would be able to do half the **** on the course. I'm looking for a workout buddy, possibly someone who wants to join too, so that's that. I'm having trouble finding someone who served in the Army though, and I could only find one Marine....
Alot of my friends though are telling me "Know what you're getting in to..." and "There is better careers options for you other then the Army or Marines." Its like no-one is on my side on this one. The more I think about joining the more excited, pumped, thrilled I get. But deep inside I'm still scared as hell, and I know all people are like that, but I herd this somewhere and it has helped alot.
"It's not the fighting that is scaring everyone, you're mind is to preoccupied to worry about death during that time, it's the ride there that is going to get you the most."
"You're defending thousands of men, and they're all defending you."
Well you've got a fixed idea which is good. But there are many jobs that are in the fit of the fighting that still don't involve shooting people. Military Police, driver are just some to name.
I'm sure your friends probably do support you but like most people there just afraid of you getting hurt. My mother is exactly the same but she understands why I do it and is very supportive. So don't take it to seriously.
Another thing you should do is look at the benefits you will get from it. I'm not sure about America but in Britain the army is a very good career choice. It is very supportive of it's troops and their families and to have 'the army' on your CV is very beneficial. There are many other benefits the army can bring that are personal such as self esteem or as kilo said it can change you, for most cases the better. I think kilo also has a good point on the sign up straight away. I've had many people say exactly the same things and many times I have second guessed my decision but I am very solid on what I want. However I know not all people are like that and training will get you in shape very quick so I wouldn't worry so much.