I need a quote..

Acerbus said:
'Who dares, wins.' But that's the motto of the British 22nd SAS
no its the motto for the entire SAS. and for that Death Before Dishonor, from what i've heard its really a Marine Corps thing
how about some of these?
alea iacta est - the die is cast
animis opibusque parati - prepared in minds and resources (ready for anything)
audaces fortuna iuvat - fortune favours the bold
(the ever popular with some) carpe diem - seize the day
errare humanum est - to err is human
facta non verba - deeds, not words
fortes fortuna iuvat - fortune favours the brave
nulli secundus - second to none :D (I wonder where that came from :?: )
praemonitus pramunitus - forewarned, forearmed
victis honor - honour to the vanquished
veritas vos liberabit - the truth shall make you free

FIDO would be cool. "F*** It, Drive On". Rangerish, but applicable to every endeavor. After Mil-life, you will get hounded by every wannabe used car salesman and every waitress in America. Stand your ground, tell the pretty girls what it means, and enjoy. No matter your MOS, you will have to drive on. If you want a tat, make it one you can live with, because they do not go away.

nulli secundus said:
Acerbus said:
'Who dares, wins.' But that's the motto of the British 22nd SAS
no its the motto for the entire SAS. and for that Death Before Dishonor, from what i've heard its really a Marine Corps thing

Sorry to be a pinprick, but the 22nd SAS (Regiment) is the entire SAS...
Illegitamus non Carborundum

DOn't let the bastards grind you down.

Of course, I'd get a Latin scholar to triple check any Latin quote.

Or, you can buy a t-shirt when you're 18 and decide to wear it for the rest of your life. Because that's kida what a tattoo is.

Tattoo free since 1971.
Pogue said:
Hooah, right on. I like that, Pro Liberate Patrie...sweeeeet I have a second choice now! :lol:

nice one, but hey be careful: its spelled Pro Libertate Patriae, not Liberate. It's Libertate. Watch Out. ;)
i got one

Shoot first ask questions later.

Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.

Every man dies, not every man really lives.

I ask you what is life without honor?
"Death before Dishonor"

Dude that one is taken by at least 3 people my brother has that "Death before Dishonor"

I was thinking "Death before Dishonor", but I don't know...damn my friend for taking "This We'll Defend", I had that idea waaaaaaaaay before he did..
Redbulls... did you stop to see the date of that post you responded to?

TI sets the bait and WHAMMO!!!
We got a live one here... get the net boys.