Human rights ( in military)

This is definetly not the place to discuss certain round effectiveness in certain areas or conditions.

:offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic: :offtopic:

I thought this is thread is about Military Human Rights.
Yikes I didn't even notice. It did turn into a USA tactics bashing, then in return China tactics bashing thread didn't it?

They successfully deflected our argument.
I think it is like this with human rights.... If you kill 1 person you are a killer, If you kill 20 people then you are a mass murderer, If you kill a couple of thousands and loose you are a tyrrant, or maby a terrorist. If you kill hundreds of thousands or a million than you are a conquerer, or if you loose you are the evil leader that everyone want to send to Haag. I think human rights have to be rebuilt for this centurys new chessboard. The laws are obsolite in many perspectives and this is my two cents in this, othervise it goes like it does today, with double standards and flip-floops. I dont think human rights can function in a country that never have implemented those laws before. I think human rights is something that has to be built up by the people that lives in those countrys. I dont think you can force our way of life on anybody. Humans are like children, If you put up a rule they want to challenge it. Believe me the world challenges everything everyday and is looking for boarders to break. A tiny, tiny little hole and they break it. Let them clear their mess up forthemselfes,. or let Nature sort èm out, that is my law and not only my law it is the natures law too and I believe in the nature. History is written by those who wins the wars. not the one who looses them.

the_13th_redneck said:
Yikes I didn't even notice. It did turn into a USA tactics bashing, then in return China tactics bashing thread didn't it?

They successfully deflected our argument.

Most of them do. They should just title them "I hate the US because........"
"I hate the US because........"

There are plenty of reasons why they hate the US. And most of them you never heard of before.

Back to main topic. After the incident of an American armored vehicle running over a South Korean School Girl without stopping, there have been major hostilities and anger among South Koreans. There have been a dabate whether this incident should be placed on the Human Rights Issues page. What do you think guys?
This is indeed a Thread over "Human Rights in military".

I believe this story in Iraq says alot in this aspect.
Actually "Human Rights in military" is a very important topic in international societies.


What do you think:

U.S. Probes Fatal Shooting of Hurt Iraqi
Wounded combatants are fair game if you have reason to believe them to be armed and a danger.
03USMC said:
Wounded combatants are fair game if you have reason to believe them to be armed and a danger.

I have no problem with your opinion on this issue.
I think every person will have his/her judgement from their perspective of view.
FlyingFrog has a good point with that picture.... A person have to remember that even if this is a movie filming american soldiers in a moske in Faluja the same thing happend with hundreds of civilians in churches under the Balcan war, but no cameras where there to photo those fundamentalists in action that commited those crimes. I wonder if todays media would ever show that kind of pictures in todays date even if they got the chance to do that. But now when American soldiers is in the camera -live- it is bad, really bad, and for the fundamentalists amongs the european leftwing it is like christmas. "Good Cop kills wounded freedom fighter point blank in a moske" No one amongs them will ask themselfe what this man could have been having under that blanket. A grenade that would have whiped out all of those soldiers perhaps? Probably he didnt have that but IF he had that. I say US soldiers over there in Faluja are fighting maby one of this worlds most determent enemies in this period of time and history.

I can only imagine from stories told by grandpha about my imigrated relatives fighting the germans in France on their way to Berlin, this is simulare to what these young american soldiers in Faluja are facing today I think. Then you can argue about right or wrong invading Iraq or even put human rights as first priority if a man wants to. But I sincerly think that there is a wide spread lack of perception of the reality among alot of gov´s and even media over here in Europe. It is nothing wrong with the moral among these fundamentalists that are holding out furiusly. I would probably even as a medic shoot first and ask questions later in that same situation that those boys are in to right now in Faluja 2004 no questions about it. I am glad that those troops and the TV-team got out there alive, that is all that counts in my oppinion. :|

I made a little post on that incident but I'll just say it here too.

I would say the American Marine is not guilty of any crime only becuase the Iraqis until that point have used the dead and wounded as booby traps before on a regular basis. The wounded would be the "smart" trigger for a sack of explosives or a grenade... waiting for enough Marines to get close enough.
You have to keep the enemy and situation in consideration.
I think you made a good point here.

It is true in combats the soldiers simply got terrified by anything from enemy side.

We have a old saying: when in extremly dangerous and terrified war cases, especially at night, you "think" every grass or tree as an "enemy".
The terrorist/insurgents in Iraq have consistenly violated the laws of war. They technically shouldn't have any rights.

I don't judge the marine in the least.
I can't blame the marine either. He had to make a split-second life/death decision on that one. A couple of days ago a BBC-correspondent for example said that they were ambushed by a group while they were accepting surrender from another group. These are the tactics which the insurgents use.

But pictures such as these have a serious effect on the overall situation. With things like this happening and pictures like this spreading all over the middle east, the most likely result is just going to be further radicalization.
Chocobo_Blitzer said:
The terrorist/insurgents in Iraq have consistenly violated the laws of war. They technically shouldn't have any rights.

I don't judge the marine in the least.

Yep, the Marine was in a combat situation but to say "They technically shouldn't have any rights" now thats going way too far. Now, we don't want to get as bad as them do we?
aussiejohn said:
Chocobo_Blitzer said:
The terrorist/insurgents in Iraq have consistenly violated the laws of war. They technically shouldn't have any rights.

I don't judge the marine in the least.

Yep, the Marine was in a combat situation but to say "They technically shouldn't have any rights" now thats going way too far. Now, we don't want to get as bad as them do we?

No we should not stoop to their level but neither should a Marine have to wait for the "surrendering" "wounded" insurgent to detonate a body bomb or toss a grenade into his fire team.
If it comes down to the possibility of him or his fellow Marines being wounded or killed he has an obligation to engage the target.