I think it is like this with human rights.... If you kill 1 person you are a killer, If you kill 20 people then you are a mass murderer, If you kill a couple of thousands and loose you are a tyrrant, or maby a terrorist. If you kill hundreds of thousands or a million than you are a conquerer, or if you loose you are the evil leader that everyone want to send to Haag. I think human rights have to be rebuilt for this centurys new chessboard. The laws are obsolite in many perspectives and this is my two cents in this, othervise it goes like it does today, with double standards and flip-floops. I dont think human rights can function in a country that never have implemented those laws before. I think human rights is something that has to be built up by the people that lives in those countrys. I dont think you can force our way of life on anybody. Humans are like children, If you put up a rule they want to challenge it. Believe me the world challenges everything everyday and is looking for boarders to break. A tiny, tiny little hole and they break it. Let them clear their mess up forthemselfes,. or let Nature sort èm out, that is my law and not only my law it is the natures law too and I believe in the nature. History is written by those who wins the wars. not the one who looses them.