How to stop China

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A million dead? I doubt it. I'm not sure how Western Statistics count bodies....probably confused of who is North Korean and who is Chinese.
No, I think the Chinese intervention alone brought the TOTAL death toll to 1 million.
But yeah, the Chinese definately had more than 350,000 because they kind of lost just about that many troops.
I remember reading about how one American Quad Cannon on an APC Chassis came upon a division of Chinese Soldiers marching in line, it opened up on the Chinese soldiers and fired over 10,000 rounds into the oncoming Chinese troops and yet they kept walking, the APC ran out of ammo and yet the Chinese kept walking, I think that speaks volumes for how many Chinese troops actually fought in the Korean War.
while, U.S should have stoped when they fought North Korean back to 38th parralle, but they didn't , that is why CHina felt threantened and joined the war,

the abmush part is only a smal part of korean war,
the big battles were fought when both sides were fighting near the 38th parralle, and U.S got enough ammo and art or air support while chinese got nothing, yet U.S cant drive chinese back,
U.S should feel ashamed to be stopped by a poorly euqipeed chinese army
Hahah!! The moderator called you by the first part! And you thought I was in trouble! heehee!

But you should warn me, possibly Presicion and Damean too, we four have been fiesty at each other :twisted:
The complete lack of knowledge by the chinese people here on the Korean war is insane. Instead of saying "US should be ashamed they got their asses kicked" how about you try some facts with sources? Repeating the same thing 15 times over isn't helping your case either, we understood your point of view the first time around.
Don't kid yourself, Big Z! You know the Chinese during Korea were the stuff legions are made! Why I heard one squad of Chinese repelled an entire battalion of US marines, aided by like 10 UN nations!!! Some Chinese would even run bare naked straight into battle in below zero weather with nothing but chopsticks to fight!!!!11


I swear... whenever I look at those Communist art works it looks like something drawn by an outrageously talented 12 year old.
First pic is North Korean. Second one is Chinese.

Some Chinese would even run bare naked straight into battle in below zero weather with nothing but chopsticks to fight!!!!11

Funny of how you describe the fanatical fighting spirit of the Chinese Soldiers.
Big Z buddy,

first u have to know wut was the stragitic objective of ur U.S army,
then ask urself did U.S army achieved that?
then ask urself about which side got more equ and supplies and how much difference between both side

finally hope u can ask the last commander of U.S army in Korea, he said this is the first time U.S army sgihed a treaty in which they didn't win

then hope u r smart enough to figure out who is more a loser in that war
if u think it is funny for a chinese soldier to fight like that

then u probably think it is also funny to kill an American soldier
The main US/UN Mission was to drive North Korea back across the 38th parallel and maintain a non-Communist South Korea. But the Inchon landing went so well that people got carried away. Not to mention Rhee Sung-man wanted to unite the two Koreas while he could.
So in the end... mission accomplished.
Asskicker said:
Big Z buddy,

first u have to know wut was the stragitic objective of ur U.S army,
then ask urself did U.S army achieved that?
then ask urself about which side got more equ and supplies and how much difference between both side

finally hope u can ask the last commander of U.S army in Korea, he said this is the first time U.S army sgihed a treaty in which they didn't win

then hope u r smart enough to figure out who is more a loser in that war

I fully agree, the Chinese casualties speak for themselves. Before you ask me if i'm smart enough to understand your statement ask yourself if your smart enough to write a complete sentence.
Are you kidding me? The North Koreans almost pushed the South Korean and US forces off the entire penninsula, and yet the US' counterattack was so successful that we scared China into intervening, yet we stopped them too against overwhelming numbers.

The US' goal was to liberate South Korea, taking all of the Korean Penninsula was a secondary objective, much like in Desert Storm, the goal was to liberate Kuwait, ousting Saddam was secondary and in the end we chose not to, yet when we go to finish the job we are critized by the rest of the world, why?

Chinese fighting spirit, phhh, I seem to recall hearing this about them, "They would walk straight into line after line of bullet fire because they were either very brave or to stupid to duck, but yet when we came after them with bayonets they took off at a dead run."
They are both important.
Depends on what situation you are in.
For China, those numbers were replaceable, meaning it was not a MAJOR loss to China.
For the UN, the original objective of maintaining South Korea's existence with the border at the 38th Parallel was achieved (with deviation in the lines but more or less the same position as pre-1950).
In the end, only North Korea was the side unable to reach its original objectives.
but wut chinese believed is that U.S tried to couqure all Korea, it seems to be true (McArthur ordered his army to advance toward Yalu River and capture whole north korea)

if we consider to "liberate" whole Korea as U.S's top objective,
U.S seems failed

but it is such a pity for my coutnry to lose so many men,
and i have to admit that wasn't a war in right time and right place
Asskicker said:
but wut chinese believed is that U.S tried to couqure all Korea, it seems to be true (McArthur ordered his army to advance toward Yalu River and capture whole north korea)

if we consider to "liberate" whole Korea as U.S's top objective,
U.S seems failed

MacArthur was relieved of command by President Truman for making threats and threatening actions towards China, does that not tell you the true intentions of the United States? That the President fired the man who was advocating for war with China.
there is more reasons to fire McArthur than just invading China

it is actually the attidude of McArthur pissed Trumen off,

first he openly declared to use Nuclear weapons to china, and made Truemen a big laugh at home
then he publiced some sort of letter in a veteran's day stuff,

Trueman fed up with McArthur's "cool"ness, so he fired him
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