How do you feel?

I feel like I have swine flu, and if I do I freaking dare it to even try to kill this. I got something for swine flu :)
Never been this happy in my whole entire life!!!! It's good to be home...sigh..I think I might just move back to El Paso, Texas pretty soon....
I feel very fortunate to have a wonderful family....I think I might just make a crazy move..and move back home...*smiles* begin a new
Excited!!!! Happy!!! Content!!! Grateful!!! and most importantly "Blessed"

P.S. It's totally awsome to be "me"
can i try being you lol because i'm happy but not that happy lol

You're too young to not be happy.....Hate to tell'ya that life gets more difficult, and sometimes unbareable...."Keep your head up...and most importantly, be positive, think positive....and when in doubt "PRAY"...*smiles*