justin1552 Hurr Durr Aug 31, 2008 #4,704 I'm fine. Tired as hell, but maybe that's because I didn't take my meds... Idk. 4 More days till school and I'm back on a schedule.
I'm fine. Tired as hell, but maybe that's because I didn't take my meds... Idk. 4 More days till school and I'm back on a schedule.
The Other Guy Spam King Aug 31, 2008 #4,705 Lucky you, schol started 2 weeks ago for me. What day do you get out for summer?
major liability Active member Sep 2, 2008 #4,712 I feel like utter **** today for no discernible reason.
W wolfen Active member Sep 4, 2008 #4,720 I feel like you should vote for Walter, since Obama is 6 of 1, and McCain is half a dozen of another.
I feel like you should vote for Walter, since Obama is 6 of 1, and McCain is half a dozen of another.