How do you feel?

Because I have a nasty infection and the meds I'm on for it cause joint pain. I can't win for losing.
sounds like a wild drunken night waken up to a WTF...woot...i feel great, and no not because of the previous statement...
I know my life's been wasted away. I don't even know why I bother to keep on living it.

I feel like I'm getting a cold or something. On top of my infection. This is fun, let me tell ya.... :roll:
Tired, I currently have muscle pain in a every muscle I know about, my legs feel like rubber bands, my arms feel like their on fire and I have little tiny cuts on my hands so small the only way to find them is wash off the cpvc glue with alcohol and wait a second till it gets in. I basically feel like somebody droped a really big anvil on me